MT02 Southern campaign

4 years 2 months ago #492 by Mark-McG
Replied by Mark-McG on topic MT02 Southern campaign
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4 years 2 months ago #493 by toganalper
Replied by toganalper on topic MT02 Southern campaign
Camden - 16.08.1780

Continental (Mark McG) : 3 banners won 33 blocks lost
British (toganalper) : 8 banners won 23 blocks lost

Realizing the weakness of the Continental Left and Center the British tried to first collapse the center. The center of the Cont. hold thanks to the brave Militia. The British then shifted to their right flank and moved forward, at the same time shifting their left flank more to the center and the center more towards the right.

The Continental right finally collapsed,. Th one force art supported by Porterfield fight very very successfully against the highlanders and the regulars led by Webster. Finally the unit died and Porterfield run off the battle. Leaving the light exposed alone in the wood. One final attack to the wounded unit was enough to get the final medal for the Brits.

As always it was a great pleasure to play with Mark McG.

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File Name: MTo2tricor...rkg.vlog
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4 years 2 months ago #494 by Mark-McG
Replied by Mark-McG on topic MT02 Southern campaign
My militia stood and took it.. and took it... and took it. couldn't dish it out at all.

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4 years 2 months ago #498 by toganalper
Replied by toganalper on topic MT02 Southern campaign
Round 6 - Hobkirks Hill 25 April 1781

Continental (mikrobruner) : 1 banners won 21 blocks lost
British (toganalper) : 7 banners won 7 blocks lost

After the cannonade the British started to push very strong in the center and the right section with line volleys and quick step and line commands. The continentals never had the time to react and was sought on the back step. I had a very lucky hand and kept pushing in the center. The result was brutal, thanks to the card gods.

Thanks to mikrobruner for being a great sport, during my lucky draws.

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File Name: MT02toganmikro.vlog
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4 years 2 months ago #499 by gotigerssc
Replied by gotigerssc on topic MT02 Southern campaign
Round 2 Camden 16 August 1780

Continental (gotigerssc) : 8 banners won 31 blocks lost
British (boredbeyondbelief) : 5 banners won 34 blocks lost

I thought the Continentals had no chance in this one but the militia held strong. The British advanced on their right and did some damage to several units at the start. The American militia started to fall back out of range in the center while the regulars gave a solid push on the British left. The entire British line then started to advance. In response, the Americans came back down to fight and used the two regular units on the baseline to reinforce the militia. British shifted back to their right and applied more pressure on the American left but came in too close as an American Bombard took out the light infantry and it's leader, Webster. Feeling the pressure, the British plowed full steam ahead in the center but the American line held. A Line Command on the following turn caused the Highlanders to flee from battle and trapped the Cornwallis unit in a no retreat situation for the win. A lot of rally rolls in this one without much success either way. Although the British ended being constantly pushed back due to flags. Units claimed by rally check American - 2 and British - 1. Great match with Eric!

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File Name: MT02Camden.vlog
File Size:68 KB

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4 years 1 month ago #505 by rfdoane
Replied by rfdoane on topic MT02 Southern campaign
Round 2 Camden 16 August 1780

Continental (rjvonline) : 0 banners won 39 blocks lost
British (rfdoane) : 8 banners won 12 blocks lost

This battle was fought almost entirely at range with hardly a melee to be seen. After an opening British line volley that scored a number of hits, fighting shifted to the right of the Continental line. Gist got the regulars into action and began targeting the provincial unit at the end of the British line, but a second line volley resulted in another failed rally check for the Continentals. Still they formed up again and had quite an imposing line anchored by regulars with leaders and both artillery units at full strength. Two of those regulars launched a melee attack on the British left, but were bloodily repulsed. They did cause quite a bit of damage to the Highlander unit and had it down to 1 block for almost half the game, but the Highlanders were stubborn (and rolled very well). The ensuing counterattack eliminated the survivors of the melee, and coupled with another militia unit failing its rally check, sealed the game for the Brits.

Thanks to Renaud for hanging in there in a scenario that sure looks tough for the Americans.

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4 years 1 month ago #506 by rjvonline
Replied by rjvonline on topic MT02 Southern campaign
It’s possible for the Continentals to win it (I’ve done it before), but Rob is a very capable general, and with 3 volley cards, 1 King & Country card, and one rally card to my... none of these cards, it was too tough. A belated, and sole, bayonet charge to try and disrupt the flow of the battle yielded little, but the last British VP won by return fire from that $#@&$! 1-SP Highlander unit. Congrats to Rob, and good luck to him.

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4 years 1 month ago #507 by gottoman
Replied by gottoman on topic MT02 Southern campaign
Round 1 106 Savannah (9 October 1779)

Continentals (mirkobruner) 0 Banners 32 blocks lost
British (Greg O) 9 banners 3 blocks lost

This battle took place mainly on the left flank, initially the Brits punished the French Grenadiers as they were the greatest threat to assault the fieldworks. The Continentals surged against the fieldworks but failed to break through and the British countered eliminating several units and d' Estaing fell. The Continentals saw no option but to double down and charged again but the Brits held and hit back hard. In the end, a British bombard pushed back a light cav and a marine who both failed their rally roll and a leader initiative enabled Tawes in the fieldworks to seal the victory. This was a tough game for the Continentals, they needed a break but never got one.

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4 years 1 month ago #508 by gottoman
Replied by gottoman on topic MT02 Southern campaign
Round 6

rjvonline (Continentals) 1 banner 30 blocks lost
Greg O (British) 7 banners 3 blocks lost

The British took an early lead with when two Continentals failed rally rolls. The British advanced forward in a solid line, firing steadily. The Continentals fixed bayonets and charged the right flank and almost broke into the line but a hold the line steadied a Brit light who hit back hard along with the regular securing the far right flank of the British line. The British rallied the units and they eliminated the Continentals on the right. The British pushed ahead on the right for the hill, and secured the victory.

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4 years 1 month ago #509 by Mark-McG
Replied by Mark-McG on topic MT02 Southern campaign
jeez Greg, you lost 6 whole blocks in 2 games.. are you OK? Might need a lie down

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