TOI includes two player reference sheets that list the detailed information and values for each unit type. Every figure in the game has a few key values, and most figures also have certain special abilities and/or traits. This section of the rules will frequently reference the various values found on the player reference sheets. Please read the “The Player Reference Sheet” diagram for a better understanding of how to locate and reference these values.
The player reference sheet contains the values and ability summary for each unit in the game, represented as follows:
A) Figure Type: Each figure has an icon indicating whether it is an infantry or a vehicle figure.
B) Movement Value: Each figure has a base movement value, indicating how many movement points it receives. Many abilities and cards can modify this number.
C) Attack Table: The attack table lists the figure’s range and firepower values for attacks against infantry or vehicles. For example, in attacks against enemy infantry, the elite infantry figure has range of 4 and firepower of 2. In attacks against vehicles, the elite infantry has range of 1 and firepower of 1.
D) Name and special abilities: In this box, you can find the name and special abilities of this figure.