The following section will explain the structure of the game in detail. It will explain how the game round is played, facilitating an overall understanding of the game flow and how the various elements of TOI tie together. In the section titled “The Rules of Engagement” (page 18) we will describe the detailed rules for moving your units on the board and engaging in combat against the enemy.

Every TOI scenario is played over a series of game rounds. The actual number of rounds, as well the game’s victory conditions, are designated by the individual scenario. In the “At the Breaking Point” scenario, for example, the game is played over 8 rounds.

Each round is divided into three phases, always taken in the following order:

  1. The Action Phase
  2. The Command Phase
  3. The Status Phase

After the Status Phase of a round is completed, another round begins. This continues until the last round of the game is finished, or until one player reaches a victory condition designated by the scenario.

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