Soviet forces were able to use their knowledge of the sewers underneath the city to infiltrate behind German lines and surprise the enemy. The following rules describe Soviet sewer movement.

If the Sewer special rule is printed in a scenario, it will list a number. The Soviet player takes that number of Sewer cards and the entrance markers matching the color of these Sewer cards.

A Soviet squad may spend I MP in a hex with a sewer token to enter the sewer. If the squad is in a building, it must be at elevation 0 to do so. Remove the squad that is entering the sewer and place it on any empty Sewer movement card (only one squad per card). Then, place the sewer entrance marker matching the sewer movement card on the hex where the squad entered the sewer. Finally, place an activation token on the first open square on the sewer movement card with the fatigue side up. During the Status Phase, flip all activation tokens on the sewer movement cards to their Op Fire side. Like any other unit, the activation token marks this unit as being activated. Units in the sewer may take one of the following two actions when activated:

First, they may advance their position in the sewers. To do this, place another activation token on the next open square on the sewer movement card with the fatigue side up. The distance the unit has travelled is represented by the lowest number on the sewer movement card that is not covered by an activation token. This is called the exit range.

Second, a unit may be placed on any hex with a sewer token that is within exit range from the sewer entrance marker that matches their sewer movement card and take a normal action. This placement does not incur Op Fire.

If that hex contains an enemy unit, the unit in the sewers may attempt an assault from the sewer. To do so, move the sewer entrance marker to the hex that the unit is assaulting and remove all activation tokens from the sewer movement card. Due to the inherent difficulty of exiting the sewers under fire, the assaulting Soviet unit's attack strength is reduced by 1. If the assault is successful, move the unit from the sewer movement card to the hex that it assaulted. If the assault fails and the Soviet unit is still alive, place an activation token back on the sewer movement card with the fatigue side up.

A Word of Advice: Keep in mind that sewer movement is slower than regular movement. In shorter scenarios, make sure that you begin your sewer movement early enough in the scenario so that your squads can reach their objectives before the scenario ends.



The Soviet player has rtvo squads in the sewers. He decides to activate the squad on the red Sewer card since it has not vet been fatigued this turn. He mar place an activation token on the Sewer card to increase the squad t movement. Alternatively. he mw emerge from the sewers and use an action to emerge up to 4 hexes away from its red entrance token. The squad mar either assault the enemy squat! on hex A or be placed on hex B and select an action us normal. Then the squad is fatigued.


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