Fury of the Bear introduces munitions specialization tokens that can be assigned to specific vehicles (including pieces of equipment). These tokens represent special ammunition a particular nation has at its disposal during a battle.

The following rules can be applied to any scenario as long as both players agree at the beginning of the scenario or campaign. A scenario can specifically state in its special rules section that the Munitions Specialization Tokens option must be used or must be ignored.

  • During a scenario’s setup, each player receives the munition specializations in his nation’s color.
  • Immediately before placing units on Op Fire in each Status Phase, players may purchase up to three munitions specializations for 1 command each and immediately place each one facedown next to one of his nation’s vehicles or pieces of equipment. Each nation may have a maximum of three munitions specializations on the board at the same time.
  • The munitions specialization token remains facedown next to the assigned unit. The next time the unit attacks, the token must be flipped over, and any effect must be applied to this attack.
  • At the player’s discretion, unused munitions specialization tokens (for units that did not attack) may be discarded at the end of the next Status Phase or they can be kept with the unit to which they were originally assigned at no additional cost.
  • Any revealed tokens are discarded at the beginning of the Status Phase.

A summary of the munitions information can be found on the back of this rules booklet.

Munitions Specializations

 High Explosive (HE)

This is a short to medium range anti-vehicle round. This unit’s firepower against vehicles is reduced by 1 for this attack. Normal range attacks made with HE munitions hit on a 4, 5, or 6. The unit may not make long-range attacks.

 Armor Piercing Ballistic (AP-B)

This is a short to long range round that is effective against vehicles. This unit gets +1 firepower against vehicles.

 Armor Piercing Composite (AP-C)

This is a round that is more effective against vehicles at short range but less effective at a distance. This unit gets +2 firepower against vehicles at close range and –1 firepower against vehicles at long range.

 Smoke (Smoke)

This is not normal ordnance. Instead, the attacking player targets a hex and the round creates smoke in the target hex. When attacking with a smoke round, the attacking player uses the same dice as if attacking a vehicle (regardless of what is in the hex). If at least two hits are rolled, place a smoke token in the targeted hex. If only one hit is scored, roll a red and a black die to determine drift. The red die indicates how many hexes away the smoke round drifts. The black die indicates the direction of the drift according to the directional marker. If no hits are rolled, then a misfire has occurred; discard the smoke munitions token with no effect.


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