Victory Results:
 0 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  0 %

On June 6th 1944, 1stLt Richard Winters and 2ndLt Lynn D. Compton led a paratroopers of 13 soldiers to assault a German battery position defended by approximately 60 German soldiers in Brécourt Manor.
With the reinforcement of 2ndLt Ronald Spiers, they finally accomplished the mission of destroying four 105 mm guns.
This successful assault contributed the easy troops landing at Utah Beach on D-day.


  American German
Division 1

2 Squad Bases
- 6 Regular Infantry
- 2 Elite Infantry

1x Expert

2 Squad Bases
- 4 Regular Infantry
- 2 Machine Gun Crew
Division 2

4 Squad Bases
- 9 Regular Infantry
- 4 Elite Infantry
- 3 Officer

2x Expert

5 Squad Bases
- 14 Regular Infantry
- 5 Elite Infantry
- 1 Officer

Strategy Decks - -
Starting Strategy Cards - -
Operations Cards 004 Double Time
100 Heroic Courage
Deployment Zone Div. 1: light green hexes
Div. 2: dark green hexes

Div. 1: light gray hexes (1x MG in each hex)
Div. 2: dark gray hexes

Starting Initiative Initiative Token Setup first
Objective The American player must control/destroy ALL the 4 Objective points on the map (leFH18 Howitzer) by the end of turn 6.
Rounds 6
Actions per turn 3 3

Round 2 (Status)
1 Squad Base

- 2 Regular Infantry
- 1 Elite Infantry
- 1 Officer

1x Expert

Special Rules
  • There is no command phase in this scenario. Each side rolls one die to determine the initiative in the following rounds. If there is a tie, roll the die again.
  • The entrenchment token is only used to identify gun pitches for the 4 leFH18 on the map and don't provide any additional cover.
  • If at the end of any round the Americans control an objective point it can be removed from the map (this represents the destruction of the leFH18 Howitzer).


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alecrespi replied the topic:
1 year 4 months ago
Here you can see a couple of nice maps I've found online.

The second one is particularly interesting, showing the adaptation of the original map to the satellite one.

alecrespi replied the topic:
1 year 4 months ago
A few days ago Pino and I tried scenario #217.
We weren't happy with it at all so we thought we'd revision it.
As ideas or adjustments for the scenario arose, Pino thought of making a "personal" one starting from scratch.
In conclusion we can consider it as a separate scenario dealing with the same topic, similar to the 3 different scenarios related to "Pegasus Bridges".
JVHillegas-Elting replied the topic:
1 year 4 months ago
Quickly comparing this to #217 The Assault at Brécourt Manor, the maps are distinctly different and I also note differences in the starting units and Operations Cards, while there are some similarities (for example, the introductory text). The authors are different as well, with this version from Pino.

Am I correct in concluding #338 is a refinement/evolution of #217?