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 0 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  0 %

Each team has 3 players. 1 player is the CiC and the other 2 players run the infantry.
The CiC is responsible for:
- Making sure all players follow and use the rules to their advantage
- Makes sure all player knows their stats, and the enemies stats
- Collects and spends command pints (cards, initiative)
- Allocates annotated resources
- Play all action cards
- Counts possible objective points and tries to guess which team is in the lead.
- Assigning objectives to players
- Move and coordinate the strategy aspect and actual “boots on the ground”.


  American German
Player 1 (CiC)

3 Squad Bases
- 4 Regular Infantry
- 7 Elite Infantry
- 1 Officer

Reinforcements Round 5
2 Squad Bases

- 4 Regular Infantry
- 7 Elite Infantry
- 1 Officer

2x AntiTank

1 Squad Base
- 3 Elite Infantry
- 1 Officer

Reinforcements Round 5
3 Squad Bases
- 11 Regular Infantry
- 1 Officer

1x Flamethrower
1x Medic

Player 2

5 Squad Bases
- 19 Elite Infantry
- 1 Officer

1x Medic
1x Engineer

Reinforcements Round 5
4 Squad Bases

- 2 Regular Infantry
- 11 Elite Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 1 Machine Gun crew

1x AntiTank


1 Half-track

Reinforcements Round 1
1 Squad Base
- 4 Regular Infantry

Reinforcements Round 3
1 Squad Base
- 4 Regular Infantry

Reinforcements Round 5
6 Squad Bases
- 13 Regular Infantry
- 8 Regular Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 1 Mortar Crew

2 Half track
1 Panzer IV tank

Player 3


5 Squad Bases
- 17 Elite Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 1 Machine Gun crew

1x Medic
1x Engineer

Reinforcements Round 5
4 Squad Bases

- 2 Regular Infantry
- 11 Elite Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 1 Machine Gun crew

1x AntiTank


1 Squad Base
- 2 Regular Infantry
- 1 Machine Gun crew

Reinforcements Round 2
1 Squad Base
- 4 Regular Infantry

Reinforcements Round 4
1 Squad Base
- 4 Regular Infantry

Reinforcements Round 5
6 Squad Bases
- 9 Regular Infantry
- 8 Regular Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 1 Machine Gun Crew
- 2 Mortar Crew

Strategy Decks (Round 1-4) “Command” Strategy deck
“Moral Deck I”
“German Reinforcement Deck” (These are NEW units, in addition to reinforcements. Allocated to players by the CiC).
“Supply Deck I”
Strategy Decks (Round 5-8) “US Air Support Deck” “Artillery Deck I”
Starting Strategy Cards - -
Operations Cards 017 Camouflage (until turn 5)
018 Seize the Initiative (until turn 5)
012 Massive Confusion (until turn 4)
013 Desperate Defenders (until turn 4)
009 Tank Ace (After turn 4)
Setup -Place a 2 point Objective on any bridge hex. This is unknown to the German players.
Special rules:
-While one objective markers are placed on the table, the second is carried by the CiC and is placed on the table any turn he sees fit. This Objective marker is a spawn point, and needs to be protected. It has special rules:
-IS the only objective that US troops can spawn on.
-Does not generate CP’s until placed.
Deployment Zone
  • Number the 12 map tiles, 1-12.
  • In any order, Roll a 1d12 for each squad. Place squad in the exact center of the hex for each map tile rolled.
  • Choose wind drift. Roll a 1d6 against the direction hex marker. This is applied to all squads.
  • For each squad, roll 1d6 to determine how many hexes the squad drifts. Move the squad the number of hexes in the direction of the wind.
  • Squads landing in the same hex as the enemy or water are immediately destroyed.
  • Squads that and off the table a simply placed in the last possible hex.
  • Squads that land in a woods or buildings hex lose 1 soldier, and are fatigued for the first turn.
  • Squads that land in land mine fields are immediately attacked, and fatigued.
  • Squads are not “camouflaged” as per the game card, for the first turn.
Shaded hexes on map 2B.
Starting Initiative   Initiative Token
Objective The army controlling the most Objectives in the game at the end of turn 8 wins.
Rounds 8
Actions per turn 3 3
Penalties If any player loses his officer the following penalties occur until a new officer arrives.
Actions are reduced 2 per player (CiC is still 1) per turn. Until another officer (reinforcement) event occurs.
Reinforcements Turn 5-8: reinforcements may spawn in, or 1 adjacent hex, to any US captured Objective. Turn 1-4: reinforcement units may deploy on, or within 1 hex of controlled German objectives.
Turn 5-8: reinforcements may deploy in any or adjacent road hex on the edge of the map, in any fashion.
Special Rules - -
Terrain Features  

3 Landmine markers

3 Barbed wire

3 sandbag bunkers

3 tank traps

3 objectives:

First Objective (2 points) is the church).

Second Objective (3 points) is the AA gun.

Third Objective is the US players Obj point (Unknown location and value)

Tactics ( Round 1-4) Turns 1-4 are at night. Although you are scattered about, you have the element of surprise. Recon, move quick and take them by surprise. Only the Bold players that are
willing to kick some teeth in will win the day. You MUST capture Objective in 4 turns, before the sun comes up. DO NOT HESISTATE.
Turns 1-4 are at night. Although your slow to wake and prepare for combat, the US Soldiers are scattered far and wide from their airdrop. Use surprise as a crucial element. Defend and cause as many  casualties as you can.
Tactics ( Round 5-8) Turns 5-8 is the real battle and the counter attack. Repeal at all costs.
Dig in and hope for the best.
Turns 5-8 is the real battle. It is a daylight counter attack. You
outnumber the defending US Infantry, move in fast and hard supported wit armor and Mortars.


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alecrespi replied the topic:
1 year 1 month ago

I would humbly propose this be a standard Pz IV unit.
Scenario details fixed!
JVHillegas-Elting replied the topic:
1 year 1 month ago
Ah, understood.

I would humbly propose this be a standard Pz IV unit. Not knowing the date when this scenario was created, because the type of tank isn't specified my default would be to assume the designer was using the base game before any of the expansions. In this context, "1 tank" for the Germans would mean the base Pz IV.
alecrespi replied the topic:
1 year 1 month ago

German player receives "1 tank." What kind of tank?
Unfortunately in the original PDF there are no details about the tank.
In the scenario on Vassal I have arbitrarily added a Panzer III (for the simple fact that it is the only one in the field).
It surely need some playtest.
JVHillegas-Elting replied the topic:
1 year 2 months ago
German player receives "1 tank." What kind of tank?