Victory Results:
 0 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  0 %

A Quiet Day in September After the liberation of France, the fluid situation often left both sides wondering where the front lines were. As each side launched probing attacks to discover the other's whereabouts they slammed head-on into each other.


  American German
Division 1

3 Squad Bases
- 7 Regular Infantry
- 2 Elite Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 1 Machine Gun Crew

1 Sherman Tank (lightly damaged)

1x Medic
1x AntiTank

3 Squad Bases
- 7 Regular Infantry
- 2 Elite Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 1 Machine Gun Crew

1 Panzer IV Tank

1x Medic
1x AntiTank

Division 2

3 Squad Bases
- 4 Regular Infantry
- 3 Elite Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 2 Mortar Crew

1 Sherman Tank (lightly damaged)

1x Medic
1x AntiTank

4 Squad Bases
- 7 Regular Infantry
- 6 Elite Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 1 Mortar Crew

1x Flamethrower
1x AntiTank

Strategy Decks - -
Starting Strategy Cards - -
Operations Cards - -
Deployment Zone Any green hexes Any grey hexes
Starting Initiative   Initiative Token
  • 1 VP: Each eliminated infantry squad.
  • 1 VP: Each destroyed Sherman tank.
  • 2 VP: Destroying the PzKw IV tank.
  • 1 VP: Each objective hex (occupying it at the end of the game).
Rounds 6
Actions per turn 3 3
Reinforcements - -
Special Rules Strategy cards are not used in this scenario. Command points may only be used for initiative. It is recommended that players use hidden initial set-up. It is also suggested that the op-fire status of units be hidden by placing either a fatigued marker or op-fire marker secretly under each unit at the end of the status phase. Units with a fatigued marker may be given any order (except for opportunity fire) while units with an op-fire marker may only opportunity fire; the status of a unit is not revealed unit activated or used for opportunity fire.


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