Victory Results:
 0 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  0 %

Hill 192 was an ugly enemy strongpoint rising 192 meters above sea level. It was honeycombed with massive defenses above and below ground. The German gun emplacements were built so that each one was like a separate fortress covering each other, and looked directly down at our advance. At the bottom of this hill, the enemy's dugouts sometimes ran as much as twelve feet underground, behind hedgerows up to six feet high!


  American German
Division 1

6 Squad Bases
- 20 Regular Infantry
- 2 Officer
- 1 Machine Gun Crew

4 M3A1 Half Track

2x Engineer
2x Flamethrower

6 Squad Bases
- 8 Regular Infantry
- 12 Elite Infantry
- 2 Officer
- 1 Machine Gun Crew

2x AntiTank

Division 2

7 Squad Bases
- 6 Regular Infantry
- 12 Elite Infantry
- 2 Officer
- 2 Mortar Crew
- 2 Machine Gun Crew

1 Sherman Tank

2x Flamethrower

5 Squad Bases
- 11 Regular Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 2 Mortar Crew
- 2 Machine Gun Crew

1x Engineer

Strategy Decks American Air Support 1
Command 1
Morale 1
Ground Support 1
Supply 1
Starting Strategy Cards 4 3
Operations Cards 006 Merciless Assault
005 Clear Mines
016 Clear Tank Trap
014 No surrender
007 Lay Razor Wire
Deployment Zone Any hex with a green boarder. Anywhere on 5B, 3B, or 1B as well as the bunker on 4A.
Starting Initiative Initiative Token  
Objective Major Victory - control all 3 ojectives by turn 8
Minor Victory - control 2 of the objectives.
German Victory - hold 2 of the objectives.
Rounds 8
Actions per turn 3 3
Reinforcements - -
Special Rules - -
Terrain Features Stream is Deep.


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