Victory Results:
 0 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  0 %

This scenario could be subject to heavy modification.
Playtests still in progress.

On 7 November, in the early hours of the morning, a couple of German soldiers spot a group of partisans hiding in the ruins of the slaughterhouse.
The resisters open fire and kill the military, but the occupation forces hear the shots and swoop around the site of the attack, which is home to several dozen "rebels".
The Germans and the fascists besiege the slaughterhouse, knocking down some buildings with an 88mm cannon and a heavy machine gun, but are unable to track down the partisans.
Around 3.30 pm a tiger tank also appears near the siege.
At the first mists of the afternoon, the resistant survivors throw some tear gas and try to escape through the Cavaticcio canal.
The operation succeeds and the rebels are rescued in the alleys of the city.
However, many of their companions remained hidden throughout the morning in the rubble of the Ospedale Maggiore, in the area of ​​today's PalaDozza.
The sounds of battle convince them that something terrible is happening at the slaughterhouse.
Around the middle of the afternoon the partisans come out of shelters and swoop down on the besiegers.
Thus the second phase of the "battle of Porta Lame" breaks out, which ends with the retreat of the Nazis and fascists.
and formations of the Resistance know the city better and know how to adapt to difficulties; thus they repel the enemies beyond the circle of the avenues and force them to give up ground.
The battle of Porta Lame has a rather heavy toll.
The fascists lost 18 men, the Nazis 15.
On the other side, the partisans mourn 12 dead and have to assist 15 wounded, but at the end of the day they reach their goal.
The historic center of Bologna is, at least temporarily, free.

  Partisans German
Division 1

5 Squad Bases
- 19 Regular Infantry
- 1 Officer

2x SMG
5x Concealed Concealed

6 Squad Bases
- 19 Regular Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 1 Machine Gun Crew
- 1 Mortar Crew

1 Flak 36

Division 2

4 Squad Bases
- 15 Regular Infantry
- 1 Officer

1x SMG

5 Squad Bases
- 15 Regular Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 1 Machine Gun Crew
- 1 Mortar Crew

1 Flakvierling 38 20mm Antiaircraft Gun (PAK40 mini as proxy) *
The Flakvierling 38 20mm Antiaircraft Gun is an heavy machine gun with the following stats: MV: 0 AV: 2 I: 5/5 V: 3/3. It must be treated like normal "equipment" and can conduct continuous opportunity fire like a normal MG.

Strategy Decks Ground Support 1 (remove Anti Air Support x2, Reconnaissance, Saboteur)
Morale 1 (remove Take Down the Beast x2, All or Nothing, Preparation x2)
Command 1 (remove Cut Communication x2, Heroic Leadership)
Starting Strategy Cards 2 2
Operations Cards - -
Deployment Zone Div. 1: Any dark green hexes.
Div. 2: Any light green hexes.
Div. 1: Any dark grey hexes.
Div. 2: Any light grey hexes.
The Flak 36 & the Flakvierling 38 20mm Antiaircraft Gun must be deployed in the blue hex.
Starting Initiative Initiative Token  

By the end of Round 8 both sides must conquer the 2 objective points controlled by the opponent while maintaining control of their objective points.

  • Major Victory: control 4 objectives.
  • Minor Victory: control 3 objectives.
  • Draw: control 2 objectives.
Rounds 8
Actions per turn 3 3

Round 1 (Status)
2 squad bases
- 8 regular infantry
1x SMG

Round 3 (Status)
2 squad bases
- 8 regular infantry
1x SMG

Special Rules -  
Terrain Features The river is Shallow.


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pino replied the topic:
1 year 5 months ago
I'm completely agree with the Flakvierling 38 20mm stat you have posted.
alecrespi replied the topic:
1 year 5 months ago

So, with the Flakvierling 38, calibrated stats would seem to suggest FAI = R5, F10 and FAV = R4, F3.

I agree with these stats adding "Firepower against Infantry" reduced by 2.
FAI = R5, F8
FAV = R4, F3
This is my "vote". 
JVHillegas-Elting replied the topic:
1 year 5 months ago
I've had a bit of time to delve into the history and specs of the Flakvierling 38, and here's what I propose for consideration . . .

The base firepower of the gun should be calibrated to all guns of the 20-29 mm caliber range, which is FAI = R5, F4 and FAV = R4, F3.

However, we need to consider the quad mount. The only other (player-created) ToI unit with a quad mount (thus far) is the American M16 "Quad 50" Half-Track. Its foundational stats are based on guns in the ≥ 10 to < 20 mm range, which is FAI = R5, F4 and FAV = R3, F3. With the quad mount, however, I proposed following Kyle Larson’s lead which mirrors these stats except against infantry F = 8, which seemed a justifiable gameplay increase to reflect the weapon’s effectiveness against infantry and soft targets.

So, with the Flakvierling 38, calibrated stats would seem to suggest FAI = R5, F10 and FAV = R4, F3.

What do you think?

Now that we have two quad-mounted player-created weapons in the game, I'm thinking the Firepower against Infantry may be too high for these units. Maybe we adjust these down by 2?
JVHillegas-Elting replied the topic:
1 year 5 months ago
No worries, and thanks to you and Alessandro for the clarification!

I'll integrate this into my consolidate unit stats spreadsheet.
pino replied the topic:
1 year 5 months ago
Sorry for the mistake about the 20mm Flakvierling 38... my fault
alecrespi replied the topic:
1 year 5 months ago

I'm super curious about the German MG 151/20 (PAK40) unit in this scenario.
James, you are right!
The image of the PAK 40 was used because a more appropriate image to represent the 20 mm rapid-fire gun was not available.
The actual name "MG151/20" is a mistake (already fixed on the scenario page).
It is the Flakvierling 38 20mm Antiaircraft Gun in "ground configuration".
JVHillegas-Elting replied the topic:
1 year 6 months ago
I'm super curious about the German MG 151/20 (PAK40) unit in this scenario.

Conducting some Internet research I see that the MG 151/20 was a 20×82mm autocannon developed for aircraft use. The Pak 40 was a 75 mm L/46 anti-tank gun. I haven't found any German weapons with the combined name. Is this nomenclature in error, or have I missed something?

If the Germans had rigged MG 151/20 autocannons in some way as to use them as field weapons, I'm keen to learn more. I can't readily find any sources describing this.
