I played this one yesterday with my friend Pino (using the Vassal module).
We found the scenario very difficult for the Germans for the following reasons:
- neutral command points are difficult for the Germans to retain beyond the third turn (if he decide to deploy units forward)
- once those points are lost the Germans find themselves with only 1 command point on the hill (very little for both initiative and cards)
- the Germans have the Artillery I deck which costs much more than the Artillery II deck supplied to the Brazilians
- Brazilian halftrack has the option to hide behind the hill on the left and shoot safely for the rest of the game
We also wondered whether the Heavy Fog card should be considered applied only to Brazilians or to both.
In other scenarios it is specified as "shared", but in this one it is only assigned to Brazilians.
If you think about it, perhaps the +1 cover effect isn't applied... maybe it's used exclusively to limit the use of the air support deck?