Let's start talking about the German tank (as it is one of the Victory objectives).
Panzer IV has Armor Value = 4.
If it hides in the forest it gets +2 defence dice.
With the "Heavy Fog" card it also gain 1 more defence die (for being in OP fire and so no fatigued).
This sums up to a total of 7 defence dice!
I would say "unaffordable" for the US Halftrack and quite hard even for the Antitank infantry (because they have to come colse with a fire & move action).
If we add to this that the Germans can safely reach the building to the west, surrounded by the forest, in op fire waiting for the enemies, away from the enemy's mortar threat, with 2 squads containing at least 4 elite infantry, well I would say that the second objective also becomes really hard (even facing the US flamethrower, because of the german machine gun in Op fire that sees nearly all the map).
The Americans just have to run straight to the bridge and hope they don't blow up (which happened in the last game).
Don't forget that in this scenario the Germans can easily leave the initiative to the Americans, focusing on the moral deck which contains cards such as "take cover", "go to ground" and "all or nothing"...
Final result: 0 objectives captured by the Americans.