Rules to play Command and Colors when there is no opponent came about after trying two different systems that are available on line but seemed to be cumbersome and although effective so I decided to find something that was a bit easier, I hope you do as well.
Unlike a normal game, you will not have a “hand” dealt out like normal. The hand will change from turn to turn based on the scenario rules.
Combat/Tactical Cards will be dealt out to each side as dictated in the scenario rules face up so they are visible.
Each turn, the active player will draw a number of Command Cards from the deck based on “Command Hand” dictated by scenario rule:
Command Hand | Draw |
6 | 3 Cards, +1 die for additional |
5 | 3 Cards |
4 | 2 Cards, +1 die for additional |
3 | 2 Cards |
2 | 1 Card, +1 die for additional |
1 | 1 Card |
Before looking at cards, roll dice equal to card draw adding additional die if applicable, if a symbol rolled per game played is rolled, receive one additional card.
Ancients, Battle Cry, Napoleonics, Samurai Battles, American Revolution, Medievals, Battlelore | Swords |
Great War, Red Alert | Bursts |
Memoir 44 | Grenade |
You now look at the card choices to select a card to play for that turn, discard the remainder EXCEPT when a card that can be played during opponent’s turn(i.e-FIRST STRIKE), this card is held onto for future play(this will be discussed later) and there is no limit to how many of these can be held at one time.
When a situation arises where a Combat/Tactical card or a held Command Card can be played, the player must decide to use then roll dice equal to command cards drawn that turn.
To be able to use that card, player must roll a symbol based on game being played as below:
Ancients, Battle Cry, Napoleonics, Samurai Battles, American Revolution, Medievals, Battlelore | Swords |
Great War, Red Alert | Bursts |
Memoir 44 | Grenade |
If at least one of those symbols are rolled, the card can be played, this can be done as many times during play as the original rules dictate(some C&C games limit you to one Combat/Tactical card play per game phase).
No other special rules are needed using these rules. I have played over 60 games using these solitaire rules and have played at least 5 games in each of the versions of Command and Colors. While the hidden secrecy of Combat/Tactical cards and First Strike type cards is lost, I have found that there was little lost in the feel of the games without an opponent. I hope those who try these enjoy and help to fill those times an opponent can’t be found or even used to hone your playing skills with whatever version you play.
Steven Malecek
Setup the game scenario as normal, with the following exceptions:
When it is your turn you play, play as normal.
EXCEPTION: All your units that can move, may freely within their rules instruction, move 1 space. Any movement beyond that 1 space you must roll a 1d6 = 5 or 6 to successfully enter that hex for every unit attempting it, and for as far as their normal movement is permitted; for every new hex entered they must make a (1d6 = 5 or 6) check to see whether or not they can move into it or not. Once they have failed a move die roll they must stop that unit and it can move no further that turn.
The A.I.’s turn first consists in playing the top 2 cards of its command deck. Play the cards in a way which maximizes each cards potential. (Remember it can't think, the A.I. needs this edge to keep you from running away with the game).
To determine if the A.I. plays a combat card along with its command card:
If there is more than one combat card which is applicable at that time;
[Combat Cards played other than in the command step].
To determine if the A.I. plays a combat card along with its Artillery Bombard:
If there is more than one combat card which is applicable at that time;
If enough Stars and any a,b or c is possibe: Roll a 1d6: On a roll of 1 thru 4 Bombard! a)priority first then b, then c...
Roll a 1d6 to determine whether it receives a new combat card or it takes a HQ (4 command tokens NOT 2). On a roll of 5-6 the A.I. takes 4 HQ, on 1-4 it takes 2 combat cardS. EXCEPTION: When the A.I has less HQ than the ([highest cost combat card in hand x 3] - the lowest Combat cost card)Total in its hand it takes the 4 HQ.
In situations where a one of the board sections is to be selected for the A.I.
o The opponent will always activate (if possible) any unit that can counter [by movement/attack/arty or other] any Forward movement of the enemy, ESPECIALLY if those unit(s) are in or adjacent to any of their Trenches &/or their units!!! THese hexes are ALWAYS a priority1 - ALWAYS!
o Otherwise player units in No Mans Land are then 2ndry priorities. As they are likely to attack or are attacking or are going to try and breach our lines. AND if there are no priority1 spaces, then any of the Player's units in 'no man's land' automatically become the new Priority1 space(s), and are then immediately subject to their [Priority1 - movement/attack/arty or other] means to stop their advance until such time that such advance either stops or is beaten back!
o Only if none of the above are in effect may fire be selected as 'best fire' when and where needed, Or movement be considered.
What is needed here is not what some would consider an equal chance to win by either side, that would still give the Player an advantage of somewhere in the 2 to 1 advantage area; and wouldn't produce the desired effect. What is needed and what I've tried to simulate is in the 66% chance the A.I. side needs to succeed in most situations, in order to compete with a human sentient brain. This then reduces the human opponents chances in most situation to about 33% chances of success.
Taken from BGG with direct approval from original author.