Historical background
The Germans artillery had constantly pounded the area around Fort Vaux since the beginning of the offensive. Yet, the fort was still controlled by the French under the command of 49-year-old Commandant Raynal, when on 1 June, the Germans made another strong attempt to take the fort. Surrounded and with water in short supply, Raynal’s pleas for a counter offensive against the German attack were finally answered. On 6 June the relief effort went over the top. The French attack, however, failed and shortly after, Raynal’s French were forced to surrender. An ill advised plan to retake the fort the following day also ended in failure.
The stage is set, the battle lines are drawn, and you are in command. The rest is history.
Victory Medals: 7
- 1 Medal for each unit eliminated.
- The 3 Fort Vaux bunker hexes form a Start Turn Temporary Majority Medal Objective worth 1 Medal for the side that occupies the majority of bunker hexes. The French start with 1 Medal. Place a Victory Medal with the French side face up on the fort to indicate it is controlled.
Special Rules
- To determine which side moves first, each side rolls 4 dice. The player that rolls the most HQ symbols moves first. If a tie, the German side moves first.
- The player that moves first does the No-Man’s-Land shelling roll. The player doing the No-Man’s-Land shelling may select any rows to shell, starting with the row of hexes closest to the player’s side. Rows may be skipped, but once passed over there is no going back.