Victory Results:
 70 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  30 %
Total plays 10 - Last reported by Roemmel on 2022-02-03 12:29:23

Historical background

The Command and Colours - Opening Action scenarios 1 and 2 are non-historical battles, expressly designed to gradually introduce you and a friend to the basics of WWI trench warfare. Scenario 1 features the different WWI units and trenches, while Scenario 2 adds No-Man’s-Land shelling, wire and additional victory objectives.
The following format is used for all Command and Colours scenarios:

  • A brief recap of the battle (usually found in this section).
  • Scenario map, with terrain tiles, and units positioned on the battlefield.
  • Starting Assets for each Army including: Command Cards, Combat Cards, HQ Tokens, Reserve Artillery Strength, First Player.
  • Scenario Notes: Victory and any Special Rules.

The stage is set, the battle lines are drawn, and you are in command. The rest is history.


Starting Assets

  Command Cards Combat Cards HQ Tokens Reserve Artillery Rifle Units Machine Gun Units Mortar Units Bomber Units  
Germans 5 2 6 4 5 2 1 1  
British 5 2 6 4 8 2 1 1 Move First  

Victory Medals: 6

  • 1 Medal for each unit eliminated.

Special Rules

  • None.

Setup Reminder

 Place terrain tiles, place units, take a victory medal card, take a number 4 reserve artillery token, shuffle and deal 5 command cards, shuffle and deal 2 combat cards, take 6 HQ tokens.


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Mark-McG replied the topic:
9 years 2 months ago
on the whole, this scenario is long, since there is no time pressure or victory objectives. Can result in a sitz kreig of exchanged fire across No Man's Land
alecrespi replied the topic:
9 years 7 months ago
test message for the first scenario!