Victory Results:
 33 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  67 %
Total plays 3 - Last reported by PAB on 2023-08-28 02:36:46

The Battle of Cantigny, fought May 28, 1918 was the first major American battle and offensive of World War I. The U.S. 1st Division, the most experienced of the five American divisions then in France and in reserve for the French Army near the village of Cantigny, was selected for the attack. 

Because the Americans did not have them in sufficient quantity, the French provided air cover, 368 heavy artillery pieces, trench mortars, tanks, and flamethrowers. The French Schneider tanks were from the French 5th Tank Battalion. Their primary purpose was to eliminate German machine gun positions. With this massive support, and advancing on schedule behind the creeping artillery barrage, the 28th Infantry took the village in 30 minutes.

The stage is set, the battle lines are drawn, and you are in command. The rest is history.

Command Cards 4 Combat Cards 3 HQ Tokens 6 Reserve Artillery 3 Special Personnel 0

Command Cards 5 Combat Cards 4 HQ Tokens 10 Reserve Artillery 5 Special Personnel 0

Victory - 6

Special Rules

- 1 Medal for each soldier unit eliminated.
- 2 Medals for each tank eliminated.
- The 3 building hexes form a Turn Start Temporary Majority Medal Objective worth 1 Victory Medal for the side that occupies the most buildings. The German player starts with 1 Medal.
- The American forces are racing against time. The German player may take a Victory Medal, instead of taking two command cards, when playing a “Recon” command card.

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Mark-McG replied the topic:
1 year 4 months ago
I hope more FT17 scenarios will follow. Just a matter of the right source materials, and the time and interest to get it done.