Victory Results:
 0 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  100 %
Total plays 6 - Last reported by PAB on 2023-09-06 00:47:05

Historical background

The Nivelle Offensive of 1917 was a Franco-British offensive on the Western Front. Robert Nivelle, recently appointed supreme French commander, hoped that the first Schneider CA tank units could be of some use in his planned offensive. The Germans, however, had learned of the French offensive and were aware of the French armor units. On 16 April, waves of French infantry moved against the German trenches. Tank support arrived in the late afternoon.

The stage is set, the battle lines are drawn, and you are in command. The rest is history.



Command CardsCombat CardsHQ TokensReserve Artillery 4  Special Personnel 3


Command CardsCombat CardsHQ Tokens 8  Reserve ArtillerySpecial Personnel 3

Victory Medals: 6

  • 1 Medal for each unit eliminated.
  • The French forces gain 1 Temporary Victory Medal at the start of their turn for each French unit that occupies a German trench hex. Place a Victory Medal with the French unit. The medal is retained as long as the unit is on a German trench hex.
  • The French forces are racing against time. The German player, when playing a “Recon” command card, may take a Victory Medal and draw only one command card, instead of drawing two command cards.

Special Rules

  • French player does the No-Man’s-Land shelling.
  • Historically the French tanks deployed in the offensive were Schneider tanks. However, if you do not own three Schneider tank models, remove any one of the tank models. Then replace one of the two remaining tanks with a Saint Chamond tank model and also select and deploy one additional French special personnel figure before the battle.


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Mark-McG replied the topic:
4 years 2 months ago
1 Medal for each unit eliminated.

do you think Tanks count as 2 Medals?