The Great War VASSAL Tournament #2



Finals Banners Won    Banners Lost/Blocks Lost  
Players Game 1 Game 2 TOTAL Game 1 Game 2 TOTAL
Mark McG 5 7 12 32 23 55
mk20336 7 3 10 30 21 51


Schedule of Games

This table shows the match-ups and scenarios for each round.  The Alpha Group will play the German side and the Beta Group will play the British side.



Report matches in forum discussion below

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mk20336 replied the topic:
8 years 6 months ago
Congrats to Mark!

Again, very intense game in the finale - there were some minimal chances of British success, but German response cards were devastating (I had But Bayonet whole game, but never had chance to play it - the melee was always devastating for my units, wiping them out before response being possible).

All in all, the deeper you go into the TGW, the better scenarios are. Somme so far is my favorite ones, but I also glimpsed into Tanks expansion and there seems top be much more maneuver!

Anyhow, thank you all for participation in that MT, for good games and to you Mark for organizing it!
Mark-McG replied the topic:
8 years 6 months ago
012 - Somme (Mametz Wood) - 7-10 July 1916
Game 2
British: MichalK 3 banners won, 21 figures lost
Germans: Mark McG 7 banners won, 23 figures lost

Initial British firepower was devastating, and after the first few turns I was was down 0-1, and had lost 10 figures to 1, not including the 3 recovered by the Physician.

However, time started to tell, 1 Medal to a Recon card, and the British launched their assault on the German Left. Here the response cards I had been hording came into play, and after a First Strike and a Butt & Bayonet, the British attack was in trouble. Eventually the valiant German MGs succumbed to British attacks, but took 3 British Infantry with them. Another Recon medal, and the German were 5-2 ahead. A Lone British probe in the centre met with disaster, being bombed out of the trees and destroyed in the open. (6-2)

So action turn to the German Right, which had been strengthened. Here British firepower was less effective, and a devastating Return Fire made 3 hits on 5 dice. The lone figure now became the object of all German attentions, with 3 on a match, and artillery barrage and another artillery attack all to no avail. Meanwhile the British Box Barrage rolled triples and destroyed a German mortar and crippled the MGs. (6-3)

Finally, the German bombers lobbed a grenade into the lone figures trench, and finished him off (7-3)
This gave me the final, 12-10

Another exciting game, to cap off a good tournament of interesting games. Thanks to you all.

File Attachment:

File Name: TGW2F2Mark...012.vlog
File Size:170 KB
Mark-McG replied the topic:
8 years 6 months ago
012 - Somme (Mametz Wood) - 7-10 July 1916

Game 1
British: Mark McG 5 banners won, 32 figures lost
Germans: MichalK 7 banners won, 30 figures lost

An initially promising British card suffered to successive Combat Card espionage and Mata Hari cards, giving the Huns amble time to prepare their welcome. With no No Man's Land shelling, no shellholes, and 1 MG and 1 bomber, it was Infantry vs MGs and Bombers for the Brits, and and initially promising attack on the Right was repelled with losses. A hand full of Recons and Probes doesn't spell victory for the attacker, and really the Brits just plinked away with their mortars.

An opportunistic German attack on the British left was beaten back, with 2 dead German Bomber units, and it started to look competitive. However, tjhe race against time was being lost, with 2 Victory Medals for the Huns.

After a 2.5 hour struggle I finally succumbed to a 3 on a match card!
Tough game, as expected. The return match should be a a real cat & mouse affair.

File Attachment:

File Name: TGW2F1Mark...012.vlog
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mk20336 replied the topic:
8 years 6 months ago
For all interested, we will be playing with Mark today, Friday 15.07, at 2100 GMT (technically, it will be already Satruday morning at Mark's place).
Please be welcome to join us on Vassal.
mk20336 replied the topic:
8 years 7 months ago

Mark McG wrote: So it's you and me in the fInal Michal.

How does Sunday look for you?

For the next MT, I thought something with Tanks!
I'm going to be away from home for a week, but I'll set it up in mid-July

Hi Mark,
indeed, we will be playing in finale! I will contact you directly and we will agree time - would be nice also to announce here should anybody be willing to join us as spectator during the game.

And definitely, next MT should be with Tanks - can't wait to see them in action!
Mark-McG replied the topic:
8 years 7 months ago
So it's you and me in the fInal Michal.

How does Sunday look for you?

For the next MT, I thought something with Tanks!
I'm going to be away from home for a week, but I'll set it up in mid-July
mk20336 replied the topic:
8 years 7 months ago
011 - Somme (Mametz) - 1 July 1916

Game 2
British: MichalK 6 banners won, 17 figures lost
Germans: theimann 3 banners won, 20 figures lost

Before we managed to play the second game it took us some time... Finally, splitting our session in two, using Tom lunch time, we played second semifinal. The NMS was not very promising for me, but I started to make my way on different fronts. Main action was on British right / German left where after long and bloody fight I managed to completely annihilate that wing (it was 3-3 then). After that road to off board exit victory points was open and finally I managed to get 2 such - with one more MG taken in melee.

Big thanks to Tom for finding time during working day!
mk20336 replied the topic:
8 years 8 months ago
011 - Somme (Mametz) - 1 July 1916

Game 1
British: theimann 2 banners won, 22 figures lost
Germans: MichalK 6 banners won, 22 figures lost

British had pretty good NMS roll, but then not so good cards.
Relentless Allied attacks were repelled on right, left and in the center. One recon card also helped, and in previous to last round 0 Rush Rotation.
Good game, intense and interesting.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
8 years 8 months ago
German Semi-Final
011 - Somme (Mametz) - 1 July 1916
Log files are from VASSAL v.1

Game 1
British: plainscape 4 banners won, 22 figures lost
Germans: Mark McG 6 banners won, 18 figures lost

Britons ran out of time in this scenario, with 2 Recon banners claimed. British hammered the Germans with Machine Gun barrages, eliminating 2 German MG units. The remained formed a core around the village, and then rushed out to beat down a British flanking attack on the German Right.

File Attachment:

File Name: TGW2SF1Mar...011.vlog
File Size:578 KB

Game 2
British: Mark McG 6 banners won, 18 figures lost (incl. 5 rallied),
Germans: plainscape 1 banner won, 22 figures lost

British easied their way into the German trenches and battered the Germans with a parade of Bursts. 2 Trench raids worked the Brits into a position to exit 1 unit, which managed to exit with a single remaining figure. Otherwise it was a careful ranged assault from cover to limit losses, right until the end with a wild 1 figure each stand off with infantry and culminating in a chase through the trenches

File Attachment:

File Name: TGW2SF2Mar...011.vlog
File Size:577 KB
mk20336 replied the topic:
8 years 8 months ago
Hi Guys,

I am vacations for next two weeks, but just after I come back I am going to schedule my semi final games and thave them played!
CapitanBlood replied the topic:
8 years 8 months ago
Yes, I have tried the 2.0 version today. Worked fine for me.
This Sunday is free of work for me, so Im arranging a 2vs2 fisical game. I will tell you how worked next week!
Mark-McG replied the topic:
8 years 8 months ago
Semi-Final Draw is up
Scenario 011 - Somme (Mametz) - 1 July 1916
plainscape GW vs Mark McG
mk20336 vs theimann
mk20336 replied the topic:
8 years 8 months ago

CapitanBlood wrote: 0 burst symbols on the whole game... thats my life.

From what I hear Todd had a lot of bursts so the probabilistic average was achieved:)

Have you managed to test Module v2.0?
CapitanBlood replied the topic:
8 years 8 months ago
0 burst symbols on the whole game... thats my life.
plainscape GW replied the topic:
8 years 8 months ago
Round 3
Scenario: 009 - Somme (Mash Valley & La Boisselle) - 1 July 1916
plainscape (German) 7 banners, 8 figures lost
Capitan Blood (Allies) 1 banners, 23 figures lost

I'm really glad that we finally got to play this game. I would like to say that I won due to great tactics, but as my opponent points out, I also had an extraordinary number of bursts which prevented him from getting much of foothold in my trenches. I did not lose a single unit and managed to repel his attacks.
CapitanBlood replied the topic:
8 years 8 months ago
Yes, all times are my time zone, GTM+1. So if my time is 19:30 yor time is 14:30.
plainscape GW replied the topic:
8 years 8 months ago
Okay. Let's try Tuesday. I assume your giving times according to your time zone, right? So, 19:30 is 14:30 my time and I can definitely be there then.

Hope that works and I definitely look forward to the game!
CapitanBlood replied the topic:
8 years 8 months ago
This is my next week schedule:
Tuesday and Thrusday: from 19:30 to 21:30
Weekend: from 16:30 to 19:30 if no problems at work. Im on duty.
I know that all other players have been waiting for too long, so won't be a problem to lose the game I have pending. The next month is going to be the same as this one and means few game time aviable for me. We have found a lot of problems on the turbine and we are working day and night.
If you want, put any result and keep on the tournament.
plainscape GW replied the topic:
8 years 8 months ago
I'm really sorry but that time doesn't work for me. I promised some people that I'd play a game with them after I was done playing you and delaying an hour would set that back far too much. Sorry about that! Would you like to try again next week?
CapitanBlood replied the topic:
8 years 8 months ago
Due to a work problem, I must go now to the pwer station. I should be at home one more hour later. 7pm for you.
plainscape GW replied the topic:
8 years 8 months ago
Okay. By my calculation (correct me if I'm wrong), that's 6pm my time (-4 GMT). We can meet then. See you Saturday! We've been keeping everyone waiting long enough.
CapitanBlood replied the topic:
8 years 8 months ago
I will be at home from 23:00, GTM+1. Anytime is good for me.
plainscape GW replied the topic:
8 years 9 months ago
Okay, Capitan. Sundays are almost always bad for me. But what time can you be available on Saturday? Since I can't be available from 2pm-5pm EDT (1800-2100 GMT) But, other than that we have some options.
CapitanBlood replied the topic:
8 years 9 months ago
Hi to everyone,
I still have to work all day [from 7am to 7pm] but the next Sunday is free day, so I could play at any hour. My gtm is Madrid [+1] A Saurday night game would be great. Tell when you want to play.
Sorry for my lack of feedback, but I spend all day in the power plant where I work.
Regards to all.
mk20336 replied the topic:
8 years 9 months ago
4 player Sausage & Mash seems like a good idea; I am in for such a game