Movements are announced and made sequentially, one ordered unit or leader at a time, in the sequence of a player’s choice. A player must complete one unit or leader movement before beginning another.

Unit Movement

•    A unit may only move once per turn.
•    A unit that is ordered does not have to move.
•    Ordered units may move from one section of the battlefield into another.
•    A unit may never move onto any of the half-hexes that border the side of the battlefield.
•    A unit may only move off the battlefield’s baseline half-hexes when explicitly allowed to by the scenario’s battle notes.
•    Two units may not occupy the same hex.
•    When moving a unit, the unit may not move onto or through a hex occupied by friendly units or enemy units and leaders.
•    A unit may not split off individual figures from a unit; they must stay together and always move as a group.
•    A unit that is reduced through casualties may not combine with another unit.
•    Some terrain features impact movement and may prevent a unit from moving its full distance or battling.
•    An infantry unit may move onto a hex containing a friendly lone leader (infantry or cavalry leader), as long as the unit does not already have a leader. Upon moving onto the lone leader’s hex, the infantry unit must stop and join the leader.
•    A cavalry unit may move onto a hex containing a friendly lone cavalry leader, as long as the unit does not already have a leader. Upon moving onto the lone leader’s hex, the cavalry unit must stop and join the leader.
•    An ordered unit may not move and join a leader and move again if the leader is also ordered to move.
•    Retreat movement rules vary slightly from ordered movement: see the Retreat rules section.

An ordered unit will move differently by default according to its rank as noted by the symbol of its standard and its status: infantry or cavalry.

Infantry Unit Movement

An ordered infantry unit with a circle on its standard may move up to 2 hexes and battle.

An ordered infantry unit with a triangle on its standard may move up to 1 hex and battle, or 2 hexes and not battle.

An ordered infantry unit with a square on its standard may move up to 1 hex and battle.

Cavalry Unit Movement

An ordered cavalry unit with a square on its standard may move up to 2 hexes and battle.

Leader Movement

A leader, when in the same hex as a friendly unit, must move with the unit to the same hex when the unit is ordered, unless the leader is ordered to split from a unit he is with. A leader and the unit he is leading are ordered together as a single unit at the cost of a single order.

An ordered infantry leader, when not with a unit, may move up to 2 hexes on his own. An ordered cavalry leader, when not with a unit, may move up to 3 hexes on his own.

A leader, moving on his own, is subject to the same movement rules and terrain limitations as any other unit in the game, except as follows:
•    A leader may be ordered to split from a unit and move according to the leader’s movement type statistic.
•    A leader may move onto and through a hex occupied by another friendly unit, a friendly unit with a leader and a friendly leader alone in a hex.
•    An infantry leader may move onto a hex with a friendly infantry unit and stop in the hex and join the unit.
•    A cavalry leader may move onto a hex with any friendly unit and stop in the hex and join the unit.
•    An ordered leader may not move and join a unit and move again if the unit is also ordered to move.
•    A leader may not stop in a hex with an enemy unit or a leader.
•    Only one leader may occupy a hex.
•    A leader may move off of his army’s baseline side of the battlefield to save his skin. Doing so prevents his standard from falling into the enemy’s clutches, but removes the leader from the battle for the rest of the scenario and he may not return on a later turn.

Leader Move off the Battlefield

As part of his normal movement, a leader not with a unit may move off his side of the battlefield provided he has enough movement. The move off of his side of the board from a hex adjacent to the board side is considered one hex movement. The half-hexes that border the baseline of the battlefield are not counted as a full hex.

A leader that moves off the battlefield does not give the opponent a victory banner, but a leader that moves off the battlefield is out of the battle and may not return on a later turn.


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