- An infantry leader may spend 1 Honor and Fortune to add one die to the attached unit’s combat dice.
- A cavalry leader may spend 1 Honor and Fortune to add one die to the attached unit or an adjacent friendly unit’s combat dice. A cavalry leader can spend 1 Honor and Fortune on each unit if desired.
- Units can be inspired when attacking or battling back
- Cavalry ignore 1 sword hit from infantry
- Square units ignore 1 sword hit from Triangle units and 2 from Circle units
- Triangle units ignore 1 sword hit from Circle units
- A defending unit may not battle back when it retreats, even if the retreat keeps it next to the attacking unit
- All units may battle back assuming they did not move from the hex they started the turn in.
- The player gains one Honor and Fortune for each symbol rolled (with the exception of Inspired, as noted in the rulebook)

Ignoring Hits
- If a square cavalry unit is attacked by a circle infantry unit, does the cavalry unit ignore 1 sword (cavalry vs. infantry) or can they ignore 2 swords (square vs. circle)
o (RB) A Samurai cavalry unit with a red square banner being attacked in close combat by an Ashigaru-ranged weapon unit with a green circle banner, will ignore one sword because of its superior stature, and will ignore two swords because of its superior rank. The Cavalry unit will ignore a total of three swords.
o (RB) Similarly, a Samurai cavalry unit with a red square banner being attacked in close combat by an Ashigaru-yari blue triangle infantry unit will ignore one sword because of its superior stature, and will ignore one sword because of its superior rank.

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