General Staff Units
Each army has 1 General Staff unit. This represents your generals and their staff , and must be protected.
General Staff units have the following special abilities:
• High Command: General Staff units always count as having a Commander, as long as any models are still part of the unit. All rules that apply to units with a Commander also apply to General Staff units.
• Inspirational: Units close to the General Staff are less likely to break. When a friendly unit is within 2 hexes of your General Staff unit, it receives a +4 bonus to all Fortitude Tests (see Fortitude), +2 bonus to Attack Values, and +1 bonus to Defense Value.
• Rally Point: If a Shaken unit is able to move into a hex adjacent to a friendly General Staff unit, it immediately becomes Hesitant and stops moving. Remove 1 Morale Marker from the Unit Flag (See Flee).
• Dishonor: If your General Staff unit is destroyed, all of your units on the game board must immediately make a Fortitude Test with a -2 penalty. For the rest of the game, all of your units have -2 Fortitude (See Fortitude Tests).