Fighting battles is hard work, and just running around a battlefield in heavy armor will tire the hardiest of men. During the game, units gain Fatigue when they perform various actions. Fatigue can reduce the unit’s ability to perform.
A unit’s level of Fatigue is represented by Fatigue Markers. These grey markers are placed on the tip of the Unit Flag. 1 Fatigue Marker is gained when the unit:
• Executes an Assault order;
• Goes up a slope when executing any type of movement order;
• Executes a Move and Fire order;
• Executes a Retreat order (unless both sides retreat at the same time);
• Executes a Run order; or
• Crosses a River without using a Bridge or Ford.
The number of Fatigue Markers on the Unit Flag determines the penalties the unit suffers:
If a unit has 4 or more Fatigue Markers, you cannot issue Assault or Run orders to that unit.
If a unit has 6 or more Fatigue Markers, it can only execute the Rest order. If this unit is engaged in melee combat, it surrenders to the enemy at the end of the Melee Combat Step of the Execution Phase (remove the unit from the board and treat it as destroyed).
A unit can remove Fatigue Markers by executing the Rest or Ambush orders. Remove 1 marker each turn that a unit rests or remains hidden.