Hi guys,
as some of you already know this website has received another "chance" and will go on for another year (thank you so much to StevenE on BGG).
On my side I've been in contact with original Vassal game module author and asked the permission to modify and update it!
LurchBrick kindly allowed me to do that so I've refreshed gamo module graphics (many thanks also to StevenE and Eric) adding different map styles and also a new terrains hex set.
After setting these things up MarkMcG updated all scenarios and now you can find all of them inside actual Vassal game module.
You can easily download it here.
Here you can find some picture preview about new graphics.
and here you can find a log with "version history".
v 1.53
- setup for all scenarios from BaseGame (thanks to Mark McG)
- setup for all scenarios from Ninja Attack expansion (thanks to Mark McG)
- compatibility test for Vassal 3.2.12
- split Units / Terrain pieces windows
- created victory point banners with included Clan Mons
- updated "terrain summary sheet" to show "Old Japan style" tiles
v 1.52
- added another main board (from StevenE) with Old Japan style terrains/map
- added a show/hide pieces button to better see terrains below units
- new clan banners (red/yellow) with mons symbols
- added a second set of units (original from game box and custom from StevenE).
- added full set of custom tiles
- added "highlight" terrain (misc section)
- added "popup" pieces palette (to easily drag it elsewhere on the screen)
v 1.51
- hi-res pictures for dragon cards
- hi-res pictures for command cards
- hi-res pictures for die faces
- added Exp#1 units (Ninja Attack)
- added "ninja layer" on infantry leaders
- added counting cards in both decks and discard piles
- redesigned "honor token"
v 1.5
- added some links in "Help menu" (unit, terrain and official website)
- added game box picture in about window
- added background colours to red/yellow boards
- added dice tray icon
- added notes icon
- refreshed zoom/retire/screenshot system icons
- added red/yellow hand icons
- added command/dragon cards icons
- added end turn icon
- resized actual terrain summary
- added new terrain summary
- added coloured movement trails for red/yellow units
v 1.4
- original game module by LurchBrick
To report feedbacck or suggestions, please start a new thread in this website forum or continue formu thread on BoardGameGeek.
Thank you