A long and frustrating game for me. This one took two nights for 3.5 hours. We both settled in for a slow game of planning attacks and getting archers/gunners in place. The fords created choke points at the river. I smashed his ranged troops early, but was only able to take out one before he got back across the river. Then we spent a lot of time setting up our attacks. Judd came across the river with a Cav unit and I could not stop him, even with my own Cav. I lost a leader trying. Once he broke through he ran at will. I did take out a unit near the river with ranged fire, and got the leader. But it was too late. A tactic "ambush" card could have killed his Cav and saved me, but it was a miss. From there he took out two units to win. Judd wins 6-4.