Star tokens are initially placed in a common pool alongside the game board. During the course of the game, the star tokens a player earns are kept in his own star token pool in his play area. The number of star tokens a player holds is public  information throughout the game.

Managing and replenishing star token reserves is just as important as managing the hand of command cards and combat cards. A player must carefully watch his star reserves and make sure to keep adequate reserves if the player is to launch his own combat card actions or basic star play actions at the most opportune time.

There is no limit to the number of star tokens a player may have in his reserve. However, should the common star token pool run out, no further star tokens can be gained until the common pool is replenished.
Actions that normally grant star tokens will instead grant nothing.

The following are some of the ways a player may gain star tokens:

  • A number of star tokens are taken at the start of a game as indicated by the scenario battle notes.
  • Star tokens are gained for each star symbol rolled when battling against an enemy unit.
  • At the end of the active player’s turn, the player discards one of his combat cards and gains one star token.
  • At the end of the active player’s turn, the player opts to take one or two star tokens.
  • As a result of playing certain combat cards.

Important Note: Rolling a star symbol during other times other than in combat will not gain a star token.

Star Token Use

Star tokens quite literally fuel the special actions of the combat cards. But in addition to spending stars for combat cards, there are a number of basic star play actions that are possible by spending star tokens.

Basic Star Play Actions

There is no limit to the number of times any of these basic star play actions can be done in a turn. As long as a player has a star token reserve, any and all actions can be repeated.

  • Spend 2 star tokens to move a unit at full impulse. Full impulse adds 1 hex to the unit’s sub-light movement. Note: Spending stars does not modify a unit’s warp or light speed movement.
  • Spend 2 star tokens to have a unit battle back. Note: A single ship may battle back against each attack so long as a player has star token reserves.
  • Spend 2 star tokens to have engineering rectify one red alert. Note: Two or more red alerts cannot be solved on the spot by engineering; the unit must retire.
  • Spend 1 star token to remove a red alert marker from an ordered unit.
  • Spend 2 star tokens to remove a red alert marker from a unit that is not ordered.
  • Spend 2 star tokens to have a destroyer unit execute a pursuit move and bonus combat manoeuvre.