Movement |
A unit or leader that enters a Sand Quarry hex must stop and may move no further on that turn. A sand quarry is considered impassable terrain for an artillery unit. An infantry unit may form square on a quarry hex. |
Battle |
When targeting an enemy unit or leader that is on a Sand Quarry hex: • An infantry unit reduces the number of battle dice rolled by 1 in melee combat, but its ranged combat dice are not reduced. • A cavalry unit reduces the number of battle dice rolled by 2. • An artillery unit reduces the number of battle dice rolled by 1.
When battling out from a Sand Quarry hex: • An infantry unit on a quarry hex battling out will reduce its battle dice rolled by 1 in ranged combat and melee. • A cavalry unit on quarry hex battling out will reduce the number of battle dice it will roll by 2. • A quarry is considered impassable terrain artillery.