Movement A unit or leader that enters a Forest hex must stop and may move no further on that turn.
An infantry unit may form square on a Forest hex.
Battle A unit may not battle the turn it moves onto a Forest hex. Light infantry, rifle light infantry and other light infantry type units are the exception. These units may move onto a Forest hex and still battle when eligible.
When targeting an enemy unit or leader on a Forest hex:
• An infantry unit reduces the number of battle dice rolled by 1.
• A cavalry unit reduces the number of battle dice rolled by 2.
• An artillery unit reduces the number of battle dice rolled by 1.
When battling out of a Forest hex:
• An infantry unit does not reduce the number of battle dice rolled.
• A cavalry unit on a Forest hex battling out reduces the number of battle dice rolled by 2.
• An artillery unit on a Forest hex battling out will reduce the number of battle dice it will roll by 1.
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Mark-McG replied the topic:
2 years 9 months ago

a cavalry unit in forrest targeting an enemy cavalry unit in the open adjacent to the forrest . attacker battles with a -2 while the defender battles back with no penalties
if the attack was initiated by the outside cavalry both would battle wit a -2

this is incorrect. Battling back calculates the dice reduction for terrain exactly the same as if it were the attacker.

During a Battle Back the unit calculates its strength, any terrain battle dice reduction, rolls the battle dice, determines hits and retreats, and applies them in the same manner as the attacker.

Hawkmoon replied the topic:
2 years 9 months ago
I don't agree with your rules vision.
Both units in both cases suffer a -2 penalty as written in the core rulebook (battling in or out) nevermind with attacker or defender status.
I don't understand your second question considering that cavalry only battles in adjacent hexagone.
Grech replied the topic:
2 years 9 months ago
one further question re cavalry battling out of forrest . How many hexes out of the forrest does the -2 penalty is valid . Is it just the adjacent hex or any hex reached by the cavalry
Grech replied the topic:
2 years 9 months ago
a cavalry unit in forrest targeting an enemy cavalry unit in the open adjacent to the forrest . attacker battles with a -2 while the defender battles back with no penalties
if the attack was initiated by the outside cavalry both would battle wit a -2