Austrian Line Infantry

Map ID code: LN

Blocks in Unit: 5

Movement in Hexes: 1
When Austrian Line Infantry unit is ordered by a Force March or Bayonet Charge Command card, the unit may only move a maximum of 1 hex.

• Range Standing: 1 die per block
• Range Moving: dice equal to 1/2 number of blocks round down
• Melee and Battle Back: 1 die per block

Morale: Retreat 2 hexes for each flag

Notes: An Austrian line infantry unit will form a solid square, called a battalion mass. To form a square does not require a Command card to be placed on the Austrian Infantry in Square track (see Section 4 below).


Austrian Light Infantry

Map ID code: LT

Blocks in Unit: 4

Movement in Hexes: 1 and combat or 2 and no combat

• Range Standing: 1 die per block, plus 1 die
• Range Moving: dice equal to ½ number of blocks round
down, plus 1 die
• Melee and Battle Back: 1 die per block

Morale: Retreat 1 hex for each flag

Note: The Austrian Light Infantry units represent the battalions of Jaeger (hunter) light infantry.


Austrian Grenzer Light Infantry

Map ID code: GRZ

Blocks in Unit: 4

Movement in Hexes: 1 and combat or 2 and no combat

• Range Standing: 1 die per block, plus 1 die
• Range Moving: dice equal to ½ number of blocks round down, plus 1 die
• Melee and Battle Back: 1 die per block, no saber hits except vs lone leaders

Morale: Retreat 2 hexes for each flag

Note: The Grenzer units were the light regiments traditionally stationed on the Hungarian frontier to prevent incursions from the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans.

Austrian Grenadier Infantry

Map ID code: GR

Blocks in Unit: 4

Movement in Hexes: 1

• Range Standing: 1 die per block, plus 1 die
• Range Moving: dice equal to ½ number of blocks round down, plus 1 die
• Melee and Battle Back: 1 die per block, plus 1 die

Morale: May ignore 1 flag, if unit does retreat, retreat 1 hex for each flag

Austrian Militia Infantry

Map ID code: MI

Blocks in Unit: 4

Movement in Hexes: 1
When an Austrian Militia Infantry unit is ordered by a Force March or Bayonet Charge Command card, the unit may only move a maximum of 1 hex.

• Range Standing: 1 die per block
• Range Moving: dice equal to ½ number of blocks round down
• Melee Standing and Battle Back: 1 die per block, no saber hits except vs lone leaders

Morale: Retreat 3 hexes for each flag.

Any Austrian infantry unit that moves one or more hexes and engages in ranged combat, battle with one-half the number of blocks rounding down. (5 and 4 blocks = 2, 3 and 2 blocks = 1, 1 block = 0). Light, Grenzer and Grenadier units will add one die to the total number of dice allowed to roll.

On charts there is a bold typo: Austrian Militia are just like other nations in range fire. They have a range of 2 hexes.

Austrian Light Cavalry

Map ID code: LC

Blocks in Unit: 4

Movement in Hexes: 3

• Melee: 1 die per block

Morale: Retreat 1 hex for each flag

Notes: May retire and reform when melee attacked by infantry or attacked by infantry/artillery Combined Arms

Austrian Light Lancer Cavalry

Map ID code: LNCR

Blocks in Unit: 4

Movement in Hexes: 3

• Melee: 1 die per block
• An ordered Lancer unit rerolls all dice with flag results one time for additional unit symbol hits, sabers or flags against any defending unit except Cuirassiers. Players must note the number of initial hits and flags rolled in the initial melee and add the initial numbers to the number of hits and flags rolled on the reroll. The total number of hits and flags rolled are then applied to the defending unit. A defending Lancer unit will not reroll flags when it is battling back. When a First Strike Command card is played on a Lancer unit a Lancer unit will reroll flags.

Morale: Retreat 1 hex for each flag

Note: May retire and reform when melee attacked by infantry or attacked by infantry/artillery Combined Arms

Austrian Heavy Cavalry

Map ID code: HC

Blocks in Unit: 4

Movement in Hexes: 2

• Melee: 1 die per block, plus 1 die

Morale: Retreat 1 hex for each flag

Notes: May retire and reform when melee attacked by infantry or attacked by infantry/artillery Combined Arms

Austrian Cuirassier Heavy Cavalry

Map ID code: CU

Blocks in Unit: 4

Movement in Hexes: 2

• Melee: 1 die per block, plus 1 die

Morale: May ignore 1 flag, if unit does retreat, retreat 1 hex for each flag

Notes: May retire and reform when melee attacked by infantry or attacked by infantry/artillery Combined Arms. Ignore one hit when attacked in ranged combat by infantry

Austrian Foot Artillery

Map ID code: FA

Blocks in Unit: 3

Movement in Hexes: 1 and no combat

Battle: See artillery combat section in core game rules

Morale: Retreat 1 hex for each flag

Austrian Horse Artillery

Map ID code: HA

Blocks in Unit: 3

Movement in Hexes: 1 and combat, 2 hexes no combat

Battle: See artillery combat section in core game rules

Morale: Retreat 1 hex for each flag

Austrian Leader

Map ID code: Star

Movement in Hexes: 3 if alone; if attached to a unit it moves as the unit.

Battle: If alone, it may not battle. If attached to a unit it will modify the number of dice a unit will roll when a Leadership card is played—unit rolls one additional die

• If alone = none (must retreat after surviving a melee attack, and will attempt to escape through enemy units, if retreat path is occupied by enemy units)
• The unit, a Leader is attached to, may ignore one flag, if unit does retreat, Leader must retreat with unit.

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