Russian Line Infantry

Map ID code: LN
Blocks in Unit: 3
Movement in Hexes: 1
• Range Standing: 1 die per block
• Range Moving: dice equal to 1/2 number of blocks round up
• Melee and Battle Back: 1 die per block
Morale: May ignore 1 flag, if unit does retreat, retreat 1 hex for each flag

Russian Light Infantry

Map ID code: LT
Blocks in Unit: 3
Movement in Hexes: 1 and combat or 2 and no combat
• Range Standing: 1 die per block, plus 1 die
• Range Moving: dice equal to 1/2 number of blocks round up, plus 1 die
• Melee and Battle Back: 1 die per block
Morale: May ignore 1 flag, if unit does retreat, retreat 1 hex for each flag

Russian Grenadier Infantry

Map ID code: GR
Blocks in Unit: 4
Movement in Hexes: 1
• Range Standing: 1 die per block
• Range Moving: dice equal to 1/2 number of blocks round up
• Melee and Battle Back: 1 die per block, plus 1 die
Morale: May ignore 1 flag, if unit does retreat, retreat 1 hex for each flag

Russian Guard Light Infantry

Map ID code: GLT
Blocks in Unit: 4
Movement in Hexes: 1 and combat or 2 and no combat
• Range Standing: 1 die per block, plus 1 die
• Range Moving: dice equal to 1/2 number of blocks round up, plus 1 die
• Melee and Battle Back: 1 die per block
Morale: May ignore 2 flags, if unit does retreat, retreat 1 hex for each flag

Russian Guard Grenadier Infantry

Map ID code: GG
Blocks in Unit: 4
Movement in Hexes: 1
• Range Standing: 1 die per block, plus 1 die
• Range Moving: dice equal to 1/2 number of blocks round up, plus 1 die
• Melee and Battle Back: 1 die per block, plus 1 die
Morale: May ignore 2 flags, if unit does retreat, retreat 1 hex for each flag

Russian Militia Infantry

Map ID code: MI
Blocks in Unit: 4
Movement in Hexes: 1
• Range Standing: 1 die per block
• Range Moving: dice equal to 1/2 number of blocks round down
• Melee Standing and Battle Back: 1 die per block, no saber hits except vs lone leaders
Morale: Retreat 3 hexes for each flag

Russian Light Cavalry

Map ID code: LC
Blocks in Unit: 4
Movement in Hexes: 3
• Melee: 1 die per block
Morale: Retreat 1 hex for each flag
Notes: May retire and reform when melee attacked by infantry or attacked by infantry/artillery Combined Arms

Russian Heavy Cavalry

Map ID code: HC
Blocks in Unit: 4
Movement in Hexes: 2
• Melee: 1 die per block, plus 1 die
Morale: Retreat 1 hex for each flag
Notes: May retire and reform when melee attacked by infantry or attacked by infantry/artillery Combined Arms

Russian Cuirassier Heavy Cavalry

Map ID code: CU
Blocks in Unit: 4
Movement in Hexes: 2
• Melee: 1 die per block, plus 1 die
Morale: May ignore 1 flag, if unit does retreat, retreat 1 hex for each flag
Notes: May retire and reform when melee attacked by infantry or attacked by infantry/artillery Combined Arms. Ignore one hit when attacked in ranged combat by infantry

Russian Guard Light Cavalry

Map ID code: GLC
Blocks in Unit: 4
Movement in Hexes: 3
• Melee: 1 die per block
Morale: May ignore 2 flags, if unit does retreat, retreat 1 hex for each flag
Notes: May retire and reform when melee attacked by infantry or attacked by infantry/artillery Combined Arms

Russian Guard Heavy Cavalry

Map ID code: GHC
Blocks in Unit: 6
Movement in Hexes: 2
• Melee: 1 die per block, plus 1 die
Morale: May ignore 2 flags, if unit does retreat, retreat 1 hex for each flag
Notes: May retire and reform when melee attacked by infantry or attacked by infantry/artillery Combined Arms

Russian Light Cossack Cavalry

Map ID code: COS
Blocks in Unit: 2
Movement in Hexes: 3
• Melee: 1 die per block, no saber hits except vs lone leaders
• Unit will ignore forest terrain melee combat dice reduction
Morale: Retreat 3 hex for each flag
Notes: May retire and reform when melee attacked by infantry or attacked by infantry/artillery Combined Arms. When unit is eliminated, unit does not count as a Victory banner

Russian Foot Artillery

Map ID code: FA
Blocks in Unit: 3
Movement in Hexes: 1 and no combat
Battle: See artillery combat section in core game rules
Morale: Retreat 1 hex for each flag

Russian Horse Artillery

Map ID code: HA
Blocks in Unit: 3
Movement in Hexes: 1 and combat, 2 hexes no combat
Battle: See artillery combat section in core game rules
Morale: Retreat 1 hex for each flag

Russian Guard Foot Artillery

Map ID code: GFA
Blocks in Unit: 3
Movement in Hexes: 1 and no combat
Battle: +1 die in melee, further see artillery combat section in core game rules
Morale: May ignore 2 flags, if unit does retreat, retreat 1 hex for each flag

Russian Leader

Map ID code: Star
Movement in Hexes: 3 if alone; if attached to a unit it moves as the unit.
Battle: If alone, it may not battle. If attached to a unit it will modify the number of dice a unit will roll when a Leadership card is played—unit rolls one additional die
• If alone = none (must retreat after surviving a melee attack, and will attempt to escape through enemy units, if retreat path is occupied by enemy units)
• The unit, a Leader is attached to, may ignore one flag, if unit does retreat, Leader must retreat with unit.

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