Las Eras - 15 June 1808
Historical Background
After the events that followed the uprising in Madrid on May 2nd, many Spanish cities revolted against the French occupation.
Saragossa was a key location to mantain communications with the north-east and keep the troops in Catalonia supplied.
Hence, the French sent a force under general Lefebvre-Desnouettes to regain control there. Lefebvre's army was composed of 5000 infantry, 3 squadrons of cavalry, and 6 cannon. Among the cavalry were the famed Polish lancers from the Vistula regiment.
By the time this French force arrived, the small Spanish garrison had been bolstered by more than 10000 voluntaries, most of them citizens of Saragossa. José de Palafox, Captain-general of Aragón, had managed to raise a force of more than 5000 troops, with only about 300 cavalry and a few gunners, and tried to stop the French before they reached the city, but was defeated and forced to retreat with what remained of his force. In an action that would be the origin of heavy debate, he would abandon Saragossa upon arrival of the French, leaving Vicente Bustamante in charge. Lefebvre reached Saragossa on 15 June 1808, and immediately assaulted the city expecting the Spanish would collapse quickly.
Some French units, most famously the Polish lancers, managed to break the Spanish line and move into the city, where they were cornered and annihilated by the population. French assaults against the western walls of the city were also repulsed.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?
Set-Up Order
Battle Notes
Spanish Army
Commander: Bustamante
4 Command Cards
(Optional) 2 Tactics Cards
2 | 18 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
French Army
Commander: Lefebvre
5 Command Cards
(Optional) 4 Tactics Cards
Move first
8 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
8 Banners
Special Rules
-Spanish Guerrilla Action rule is not in effect.
-The Pilar Basillica (red) grants the French a sudden death victory if they hold it at the beginning of their turn.
-The spaces in yellow are each worth one temporary victory banner for the French (Temporary Victory Banner)
-The Ebro river is not fordable. The Huerva river is fordable, and the ford has no movement restrictions.