106 Medellín (28 March 1809)

13 years 3 weeks ago #632 by alecrespi

Alessandro - Website Admin

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12 years 10 months ago - 12 years 10 months ago #737 by Bayernkini
Just finished my both Ladder-Tournament games against Greg.

1. Greg (Allies) - Bayernkini (French)
26:24 lost blocks

2. Greg (French) - Bayernkini (Allies)
22:10 lost blocks

In first game, i think, Greg played a tactical mistake and let me
escape on my left flank, so i could save my HA, LDR and CAV.
If he forced to attack there, i should loose there at least my HA and LDR also.
After this, i could decrease his cards because of kills.
So i could win at last close :)

Second game i played exact this tactic with spanish, and could swept away the
french left flank.
So i won obvious 6:2

Nevertheless, 2 nice games :)
logfiles added

My dice are the hell!
Last edit: 12 years 10 months ago by Bayernkini.

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12 years 9 months ago #741 by Mark-McG
Similar experience, Spanish won both games, and Game 2 won 6:2 by crushing French Left. Spanish won even with only Guerrilla Action being sabred. I don't think the Spanish need Guerrillas in this one. :ohmy:

Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever.

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12 years 9 months ago #742 by Bayernkini
Well, we will see, if the scenario goes to an "outbalanced" also,
because the players know now, what the key to win here is,
the weak french left flank :P

My dice are the hell!

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11 years 11 months ago #999 by Mark-McG
Ladder #4 match
12 matches played
French 3 wins
Allies 9 wins

Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever.

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7 years 8 months ago #4777 by sharpe1812
A personal favorite. Good scenario as it poses unique problems for both sides. With the right 2 starting cards the Spanish player can make this a desperate contest. French player can extricate his left flank more easily then perceived. 3 or 4 units have 2 movement allowance.

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6 years 8 months ago #5300 by Mark-McG
• The Spanish player may only form square with a maximum of two units during the battle.

I'm taking this to mean at a time, rather than a total for the game!
What isn't clear to me is whether Hasty Square should count against this limit. Literally, it is included and has been played this way.

Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever.

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4 years 2 months ago #6805 by Tarheel
I think this map is missing a SP LC which is back row in SP scenarios booklet.

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4 years 2 months ago #6808 by Mark-McG
Map image attached. VASSAL has correct setup.

Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever.

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3 years 11 months ago #7047 by Pevans
After two quickly played unbalanced scenarios, it was time for Tom and me to get our teeth into something meatier. For variety, I took the Spanish first.
A quick Forced March got the Spanish infantry on their right wing into range of the opposing French force with its back to the river, inflicting some damage. Exchanges of musketry saw the Spanish line and Grenadiers retreat, but a French line fall to the Spanish lights. 1:0
The French cavalry forced the Spanish light infantry into square only for Spanish light cavalry to engage them as the Genadiers moved back to the action. More French cavalry moved towards the fight, but the Spanish Grenadiers' shooting eliminated the French cavalry. 2:0
The Spanish pushed their attack with a Bayonet Charge, eliminating the French artillery and pinning their light infantry (the last French unit on their left) against the river. 3:0
Already damaged, the French light infantry, led by Lasalle, advanced as their only hope of escape. The Spanish finished them off, but Lasalle did escape, through the Spanish infantry, leaving the French with nothing on the left side of the battlefield. 4:0
So, advantage Spain, but could they finish it off?
The Spanish were not keen to move off the hills in their centre and left, nor were the French to forsake the hills in their centre and right, though they did move forward on the open ground in the centre. The Spanish light cavalry essayed an attack, putting one French line infantry into square, but were quickly sent fleeing.
The French infantry in the centre sensed an opportunity and moved left, with light cavalry support, to engage their Spanish counterparts. The Spanish Grenadiers were sent packing and a line infantry eliminated, but the French cavalry also fell. 5:1
French infantry continued to move left and some accurate shooting finished off a Spanish light infantry unit. At the same time, the Spanish heavy cavalry emerged from the town of Mengabril to attack the artillery securing the French right flank. This did not end well for the cavalry as the French heavy cavalry countered. 5:3
The Spanish left began to come off the hills to engage the French in exchanges of musketfire. The first casualty was Spanish. 5:4
A combined arms attack from the French Heavies and artillery forced the flanking Spanish infantry unit into square and then shot it to pieces. 5:5
Finally, the Spanish Grenadiers rallied and returned to the fray on the Spanish right, combining with the artillery to gun down two French infantry units. 6:5 and phew!
The return match will have to wait for our next date.


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