OT2021 Round 1

3 years 4 months ago #7426 by Mark-McG
OT2021 Round 1 was created by Mark-McG
OT2021 Round 1
Play the scenario twice, once as each side,...

OT2021 Round 1

Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever.

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3 years 4 months ago #7427 by jfardette
Replied by jfardette on topic OT2021 Round 1
Game 1

Player 1 (gheintze) Allies 6 Banners

Player 2 (jfardette) French 10 Banners

We used the regular deck (non-tactician) French started off with a bayonet charge, but the Russians used a First Strike/yahtzee combo to put the hurt on. The French rolled up the Russian left, but the action was back and forth with the French getting better cards but the Russians getting the hotter dice, so it was very even. The game ended quickly when the French combined a 3 hit attack to kill one unit while simultaneously exiting some light cavalry off the map for the win, 10-6.

Game 2

Player 2 (jfardette) Allies 10 Banners

Player 1 (gheintze) French 9 Banners

Another nail-biter, with both sides taking huge losses. The French combined a bayonet charge and Rally card to good effect, but the Russians were able to return the favor and take a 9-8 lead. The French countered to kill 1 unit but couldn't get the second, and some grenadiers came downhill to massacre the French horse artillery for the 10th banner.

Sorry, we didn't count blocks lost, and the numerous disconnects rendered the log files suspect.

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3 years 4 months ago #7429 by gotigerssc
Replied by gotigerssc on topic OT2021 Round 1
Game 1
gotigerssc (Allies) 7 banners
Jaboskov (French) 10 banners

The French were relentless, but the Russians ran when they could and then huddled together to take opportunistic shots with the HA at other times. A lot fighting on the flanks with both of us coming up empty on several critical rolls. 

Game 2
Jaboskov (Allies) 3 banners
gotigerssc (French) 10 banners

The French were again relentless, but this time were able to get some push. A French LT held the redoubt at the end of a turn but was promptly destroyed on the following Russian turn. Fighting was all over the battlefield but it ended on a bayonet charge to claim the last unit while several French units were hovering around the Russian baseline. At the very end the Russian HC went berserk and nearly took out two full strength infantry units on one turn, but the French persevered. 


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3 years 4 months ago #7430 by stephent
Replied by stephent on topic OT2021 Round 1
Please clarify rules for French exiting the Russian baseline. Is it ok to move (or cavalry advance after melee) off from anywhere within movement range or must the French unit start the turn on the Russian baseline?

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3 years 3 months ago #7433 by Gileforn
Replied by Gileforn on topic OT2021 Round 1
Should be on the baseline.

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3 years 3 months ago - 3 years 3 months ago #7434 by Rand
Replied by Rand on topic OT2021 Round 1
R1G2 Scipio1zama Vs Rand
Scipio1zama – Russians – 5 banners
Rand – French – 10 banners

The Russians are able to reinforce 2 Line Infantry and 2 Light Infantry units after their Mother Russia roll. Opening volleys by French Light Infantry damage and then destroy a second Russian Light Infantry unit in the center, with the Russians countering with artillery fire. A French assault up the center pushes out Russian infantry in the village there, but an infantry unit lead by Compans is almost destroyed. Again, the French push forward and an artillery reposition allows a field artillery to take the first Russian village and another Russian Light Infantry is destroyed. Fighting breaks out on the French Right, but their attacks are thwarted as the Russians give them the Cold Steel, forcing or destroying French units across the entire front. The French rally, recalling 5 French Infantry back to units in the front lines as Russians units march forward in the center. A bayonet charge allows the French to smash into Russian forces in the right section, causing serious casualties to Russian Infantry units. However, Russian calvary swings around behind the overextended French, and crash into a French Light Calvary and Field Artillery, destroying both. This tears a huge hole in the French lines, and it becomes a race between French Infantry exiting the battlefield for banners and Heavy Russian Calvary causing immense damage and chaos in the French center. With the right flank almost devoid of units, and their center almost collapsing in the face of Russian Calvary, the French launch a final desperate attack on the Left flank, rifle fire destroying two Russian Infantry units and allowing the French to take a village. The Russians throw everything they have to throw the French out, but the attacks fail, though a French Line in the village led by Friant is reduced from full strength to one block. Thus, at the start of the French turn, they earn a banner for holding the village, earning 10 banners and the victory.

A very close game, could have ended very differently depending on a couple key dice rolls. Thanks to Mike for the games and I wish him luck in the rest of the tournament.


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Last edit: 3 years 3 months ago by Rand.

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3 years 3 months ago #7435 by scipio1zama
Replied by scipio1zama on topic OT2021 Round 1
Game 1Rand/Wade Nielsen (Allies) 3 Banners  21 Blocks lostScipio1zama/Mike Stanley (French) 10 Banners, 17 Blocks lost


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.  I won the first game as the French, 10-3.  Wade’s Mother Russia roll gave him three flags, which he used to juice up 2 of his FA and one LN.  I started with a Fire and Hold card that killed a Russian LT and eventually eliminated all 5 of his LT units, mostly by ranged fire.  I used a LGM to move four units against his weakened left flank and was eventually able to run a LC and a LN off the board for 2 banners.  I lost a LT to artillery fire and a LN to a Cavalry Charge that I had to stand and take - to preserve the Bayonet Charge card I needed to run my LN off the board AND to attack his 1-block with my 1-block LN.  I got to roll 2 dice in the attack thanks to my French Infantry bonus – and rolled 1 blue infantry symbol for the 10th banner.  (Both Doronino and the town of Shevardino  were occupied by the French at game’s end, and therefore unoccupied by the Russians - good for two banners for the French.)  Un-historically, the Russian Redoubt was never threatened.I had good cards and fortunate dice-rolling.  Wade was a pleasant and gallant opponent, but the Russian position in this game is a very difficult one.  Thanks for a fun game, Wade.

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3 years 3 months ago - 3 years 3 months ago #7440 by stephent
Replied by stephent on topic OT2021 Round 1
Game 1
Stephen T (Russian) 10, blocks lost 30
Dave I (French) 9, blocks lost 43
Battle commenced with ineffective French ranged fire followed by devastating Russian reply, nearly destroying two Fr inf, who escaped with LGM. After some skirmishing in the centre, the French forced march on their left, after further fighting here the Russians attacked the French right, with the score 4 units and one leader destroyed on each side and the French having 2 banners for the empty Russian villages and the Russians one for the Redoubt (6-7). There followed desperate fighting across the battlefield with a French Cavalry Charge, Russian Counter-Attack, French Elan and Russian Cavalry Charge: score 9 (Rus) – 8 (Fr). On the final turn, the French played Forward, destroyed a 1 block Grenadier (9-9), fired with one dice at a one block Russian light in woods (missed), and attacked from a one block square against a one block Russian HC that should have retired, didn’t, missed, then the French square was destroyed on the battle back for a Russian victory. An incredibly close and hard fought game!

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Last edit: 3 years 3 months ago by stephent. Reason: Log files adding

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3 years 3 months ago - 3 years 3 months ago #7450 by stephent
Replied by stephent on topic OT2021 Round 1
Dave I, (Russian) 5, blocks lost 28
Steve T, (French) 10, blocks lost 30
The previous game I started well with v lucky ranged fire as the Russians – this game I opened with a v lucky French Bayonet Charge, destroying 3 x three block Russian light inf and soon gaining two more medals for unoccupied villages. After further skirmishing in the centre and left, the French launched a big attack on the right, destroying a Russian line and getting close to exiting 2x LC and a Light Inf off the board. Then a French error, probe centre caused Russian HC occupying the village to retire – next turn the Russian HC, now 2 hexes from the French LC on the French right, attacked with cannon support and took 2 blocks from each of the two French LC and drove them back, salvaging that flank for the Russians. Fighting continued across the battlefield, including two French Cav Charges, score 8-5. French played Short Supply then occupied the Redoubt with Forced March, final score 10-5. A good game with the French aided by excellent cards and a great opening.
Last edit: 3 years 3 months ago by stephent.

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3 years 3 months ago #7451 by Mark-McG
Replied by Mark-McG on topic OT2021 Round 1
Game 1
Mark McG (French) 10 banners
Kral Moon (Russians)  3 banners

French started off with a nice Fire & Hold, and later had a good Rally card, whilst the Russian had a Cavalry charge which was a bit of a fizzer. Otherwise it was a parade of Attack, Probe & Scout cards, with the French dice being superior to the Russian dice. Looking forward to the reverse match to see if we can be a bit more exotic.

Game log is v3.42 module

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Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever.

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