Mark McG vs sansmerci
The day of the Red Dice
Game 1
Mark McG (Allies): 2
sansmerci (French): 6
I spent the game shooting at French ART, with some good effect. Hand full of Left cards meant I had great concern about my ability to respond to French attacks. So concerned I used a Scout to draw 2 cards, rather than a Guerilla!
When the French assault came, it was brutal, Spanish ART lift straight off. The Spanish riposte was ineffective, and cost an LC. French cavalry kept coming straight up the centre and my squares started dying. I had nothing for the centre, but I did manage to get a French LN with my artillery. At 4-1 I knew it was GM time, and mangaged to bag a LT before the French infantry closed in for the slaughter. Game took 1.5 hours.
Game 2
Mark McG (French): 6
sansmerci (Allies): 1
Whole lot of artillery fire as the French struggled to get moving almost anywhere. Eventually with 4 Left cards out of 5, I moved the cavalry to the left and drove into the Spanish line. End result was the French cavalry was written down to 1 strength units that got away, which the Spanish lost 1 LC, 1 HC, 1 ART & 1 LN. The whole time the right flank saw a vicious exchange of artillery fire, which eliminated a French LT, and also wrote down the French HC there, and the British ART & GG to 1 strength units. All the 1 strength units headed for the rear.
I finally started getting Centre cards (or rather cards I could use in the Centre, not actual Centre cards), and a Forched March managed to get the Centre infantry forward. A follow up bayonet charge managed to bag an LN with 2 attacks, and the final Leader Inspired attack on an ART unit scored 4 hits out of 5 (3 Red dice)for the match.. Took us close to 2 hours, mainly because not really much to work with cardwise till the end. 2 Guerrilla markers played.