Intercontinental Tournament 2023

1 year 5 months ago - 1 year 5 months ago #9867 by HardyGabriel
 Round 4 Game 2:

Valya (Russian) - 1
GabrielH (French) - 7

We started the game with a very unusual mother russia roll bringing five additional cossacks (1 chance in 7776). This proved deadly for the Russian being unable to re-inforce any troop.

The french had some great tactician cards: first strike and infrantry combat first that broke the Russian cossack attack on the left front. A lucky elan roll with 3 flags, two infanteries and a cavalery allows the French to counter attack and eleminate some grenadiers on the hill with some artilery support as well as some light infrantry. Russian lost two key infantry on turn one.

No being able to re-inforce proved deadly with a battle finishing with seven Russian infrantries and four Cossacks eliminated for only one French infantry lost.

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Last edit: 1 year 5 months ago by HardyGabriel.

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1 year 5 months ago #9873 by EZPickins
Round 4 Game 2

EZPickins (Russian) 7 banners
pdowd (French) 2 banners

A good Mother Russia roll to with two LN, two LT and a Cossack to start. It turned out to be a bad day for the French. Patrick didn't appear to have the cards to mount any major attacks while I seemed to have a good tactics card when needed. The Elan card was played multiple times and I was able to activate units when I needed them. as well. Overall the cards favored the French and Patrick suffered for it. I enjoyed playing Patrick and wish him success the rest of the way.

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1 year 5 months ago - 1 year 5 months ago #9978 by Gileforn
Round 5

Game 1
jfardette (Austrian) - 5
Gileforn (French) - 7

That was a nice game with good maneuvres from Jim and sometimes risky attacks from French troops. Two force marches helped French to push batlle line to the Austrian positions. Cavalry charge destroyed CU and FA with one attempt. Flags for town and church were really helpfull. Austrians had a realy oll comeback with possibility to win, but French were more lucky.

Game 2
jfardette (French) - 7
Gileforn (Austrians) - 6

That was a rush hour in the center. Powerfull forces gathered close to each other and depleted after each rush. A lot of French attack to the brave last standing infantry in square o the hills were without needed result. That gave a big chance to find some better cards to Austrians to destroy forces in the center. A lot of squares from both sides, a lot of range misses, a lot of hot moments. That was a really good game, where Austrians had a luck and recieved a very needed banner.

Totally, I think that the most fare result would be a draw but dices made it little bit different.

Thanks to Jim, it was my pleasure to play.

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Last edit: 1 year 5 months ago by Gileforn.

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1 year 5 months ago #9989 by jfardette
Great fun Andrey and two very competitive games. You earned your victory with some very sharp end game play. Looking forward to our next match.

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1 year 5 months ago #10000 by JohnSpicer
Round 5 Game 1

Austria - Patrick 0, 21 lost
French - John 7, 8 lost

We are both baffled as to what the Austrians can do after this. Patrick's tactics cards were rubbish, and the French ones were good, and it all went totally one way.

Despite very poor dice the French took the Abbey Church quickly.

The Austrian Lines retreating 2 hexes totally broke the Austrian's coordination. Then a Counter-Attack card for the French took advantage of the Austrian Cavalry Charge card to create mayhem.

End result was that the Austrian left and left of centre was destroyed, and the French had won with just a few scratches.

Will it be the same in the rematch tomorrow!?

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1 year 5 months ago #10001 by JohnSpicer
Round 5 Game 1

Austria - Patrick 0, 21 lost
French - John 7, 8 lost

We are both baffled as to what the Austrians can do after this. Patrick's tactics cards were rubbish, and the French ones were good, and it all went totally one way.

Despite very poor dice the French took the Abbey Church quickly.

The Austrian Lines retreating 2 hexes totally broke the Austrian's coordination. Then a Counter-Attack card for the French took advantage of the Austrian Cavalry Charge card to create mayhem.

End result was that the Austrian left and left of centre was destroyed, and the French had won with just a few scratches.

Will it be the same in the rematch tomorrow!?

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1 year 5 months ago #10006 by JohnSpicer
Round 5 Game 2

Austria, John -7
Patrick, France - 4

A totally different game from yesterday's, with a LGM card as the first one for the Austrians allowing the right flank to form up with. the centre and leaders to get into position to stop the two hex retreats of the line infantry.

A slugfest ensued. The French attacked on all three fronts and the Austrians hung on. A Grenadier at 2 in the town, a full strength Grenadier in the Abbey Church, and the line on the hill holding its positions.

With the French short of left flank cards where they were strongest they were unable to push home the advantage after the Austrian Cuirassiers were destroye in a battle back by the heavy cavalry - which was because the Austrians had only left flank cards. So the Grenadiers in the Abbey Church were attacked multiple times, and were able to repulse all the attackers.

With no units on either side at full strength, and most at 1's, two successive Austrian cavalry charges with the last Cuirassiers and Light Cavalry took out the French line in the town and then all the non-cavalry units (a horse artillery, a field artillery and then the last heavy cavalry).

Two shattered armies at the end of a fun game.

My thanks to Patrick for the way both games were played and particularly for taking the truly horrific luck he got yesterday so well.

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1 year 5 months ago #10010 by Burnabybob
Round 5 Game 1

French - Boredbeyondbelief (Eric) 7
Austria - Burnabybob (Ben) 3

Ben struggled playing the Austrians for the first time, especially with line infantry that can only move one hex on a force march or bayonet charge. The French took an early lead eliminating a cavalry unit and an Austrian leader on a casualty check. Eric managed to eliminate 4 units in one turn at one point in the game and gained the final flag by eliminating a lone Austrian leader. in melee.

Game 2

French - Burnabybob (Ben) 7
Austria - Boredbeyondbelief (Eric) 1

The French carried the day again, with their cavalry playing a big role. They benefited also from having many center cards, including an assault center card to start the game, which knocked the Austrians back on their heels. The French forced the Austrian foot artillery to retreat with a heavy cavalry attack, then eliminated it soon after, which allowed the French Light Infantry to gain a strong position in the town.

The French slowly wore down the Austrians and delivered the coup de grace with a bayonet charge to gain the final flags. Although the Austrian Grenadiers put up a heroic stand against three full-strength French line infantry, eliminating 5 blocks in the process, they finally succumbed for the game winning-flag.

Good games by Eric, whom I always enjoy playing against.

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1 year 4 months ago - 1 year 4 months ago #10030 by theimann

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Round 5, Elchingen 14 OCT 1805

Game 1
Austrians (theimann) 2
French (Craterus) 7

Austrians (Craterus) 2
French (theimann) 7
Last edit: 1 year 4 months ago by theimann.

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1 year 4 months ago - 1 year 4 months ago #10037 by Mark-McG
Round 5 (304 Elchingen)

Game 1
Togan (Austrians) 5 banners
Mark McG (French) 7 banners

bit of a tough game for me, couldn't get much in the way of average dice, and the game would have ended 7-3 if I could have rolled 2 infantry or swords on 4 dice.

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Game 2
Mark McG (Austrians) 0 banners
Togan (French) 7 banners

made game 1 look like like fun.. French had perfect cards and perfect dice. All over in 9 card plays, and I was 3-0 down after the first card play. Only joy for me was a Hold and Fire card which damaged 2 infantry units, but a follow up attack of 5 dice failed to score a single infantry to get even 1 banner.

Conversely, Togan just lifted whole units off the map, culminating if getting 5 hits out of 6 dice from his Heavy Cavalry on a full strength Cuirassier.

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Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever.
Last edit: 1 year 4 months ago by Mark-McG.

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