Round 4 Game 2
Rand – Allies – 6 Banners
Kral Moon – French – 1 Banners
The first few rounds allow 7 British Line Infantry to cross the river, with the vanguard taking up positions in the hills overlooking Calvarisa de Ariba. Ranged fire between both armies leaves two French Infantry destroyed and a French artillery pushed back to the baseline. With the French center in danger, the French Left Flank under the command of Ferey tries to reposition itself to aid in their comrades’ plight. However, a ‘La Grande Manoeuvre’ played by the Allies allows the Guard Grenadiers to check Ferey’s redeployment and for a British Field Artillery to move up to the front lines. On the French right, Foy leads a French Light Infantry to reinforce the French center, damaging a British Line Infantry. On the British counter, Foy is killed and his unit destroyed, and the Guard Grenadiers lumber forward to engage the French Left flank, who are caught trying to redeploy to the center of the battlefield. A cavalry charge takes the French Light Cavalry across the river and smashes into Brock’s Heavy Cavalry, killing Brock and pushing the heavily damaged into the woods. A follow-up attack almost destroys the second Heavy Cavalry. On the British right flank, the Light Cavalry forces a French Infantry into square where they are sitting ducks for the Guards. A further melee attack by the Guards destroys the French field artillery for the victory.