1. As I'm (almost) completely new to minis (painted some WH40k 15 years ago), this project is kind of ambitious and I'll probably run into unexpected problems, as, who knows, the advancing poses will maybe be a problem. But I really need the game to look dynamic if I want to attract more players to it, so that's why I went for that one (well, and I like their looks too of course!). I've heard only good things about Adler and Baccus's service and it was nice meeting the owner of Adler (Leon I think? I call him "Mr Locke in our mail exchanges and I'm not sure about his surname).
2. The "flashy" look that I get from some pics isn't a problem at all, that's just funny how different it can look depending of the light. And thanks for the advice but I wouldn't want to retexture all the hexes from Kallistra, I was just wondering about it.
I'm trying to avoid working more whenever I can!
Btw, there's a 6mm group on Facebook, are you a part of it? There are often pics of beautiful projects like yours there.