Round 3
Game 1
ToganAlper (Allies) 7 Banners
Nekegren (French) 4 Banners
Game 2
Togan Alper (French) 7 Banners
Nekegren ( Allies) 3 Banners
Game 1
Unfortunately we both forgot to start a logfile until the end of the game. We were chatting about bunch of stuff and we never got around starting the logfile
The French tried to attack on their right flank. The Allies realizing that they are very weak on that side tried to pull the French attention to their left flank. Most of the struggle took place on the French left flank The Allies moved forward and backward couple of times just keeping the French busy on that side and alluring them to come closer. Finally the Allies attacked first on the French left then on the center left and got enough of the units to finish the game before even getting the 3 VP from the town.
Game 2
The Second game
French decided to move swiftly on their right Flank and Attack the weak Russian flank. Thanks to the rolls and good combo of cards After couple of turns the Russians caved in with 3 units lost and the last remaining 1 unit Russian lt on the left flank managed to run to Amstatten for cover.
The French then started to prepare for an attack initiated by their left flank cav group. As they were preparing the Allies attacked forward with an Cavalry attack. The Attack was a near disappointment, due to very bad dice luck and French counteracted with their Cavalry attack in response. That reactive Cav charge damages the already broken Austrian cav and repelled the attack. The Russian artillery got also killed during the action. At this point the Austrian attacks to repell the French were mostly under-powered and the final banner came from the Allies CU. It was a fast struggle that lasted one hour.
Thanks to Neil for being such a great sport despite the bad dice luck and card draw luck.
Both times we never got around to gain 3 vp from the Amsteten