OT 2020 Semi Finals


Scenario: 311 Eggmühl - Day 2 Attack on Eggmühl (22 April 1809)      
  Game 1 Game 2 Total   Game 1 Game 2 Total
ANDRE (Redcurrant)  1 3 4 gotigerssc 5  2 7
gottoman  3 3 6 Gileforn 5  5 10


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gotigerssc replied the topic:
3 years 9 months ago
Game 1
Allies - Andre      1 medal
French - Justin    5 medals

Really fast match that only lasted about 30 minutes. Story here is that I had too many great cards to overcome. Attack Right Flank, Bayonet Charge, Force March, Forward + Short Supply to empty the castle, Leadership while adjacent to Austrians. Near the end the Austrian artillery missed on a roll of 3d to my 1 figure infantry that was a crucial point in the round as I sealed the game on the next turn. Three of my 5 medals came off the objectives as I held both town hexes and had previously claimed the bridge. 

Game 2
Allies - Justin      2 medals
French - Andre   3 medals

French pushed hard on my right flank and did serious damage as they eliminated two GRZ and a LN unit. My three remaining LN units were down to 1, 2, and 3 figures. At battle end the castle was empty and my GRZ unit held Eggmuhl. Interestingly enough, both of my medals came from eliminating a French unit that had taken the castle. I was very close to defeat as most of my units were depleted in some manner with only a FA still at full strength. Very fortunate to get the second medal needed for the overall win. Neither of us claimed objective medals and we decided to end the match since the round was determined. Thanks to Andre for a great match that was tense until the end. 


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Gileforn replied the topic:
3 years 9 months ago
Game 1

Player 1 (Gottoman) 3 banners
Player 2 (Gileforn) 5 banners

That was a very brutal battle with light French forces trying to do the game. The leader with his troops captured a town and made a rally here. He had a very good control. But luck and coordinate attack helped to got town back. Grenzen forses were very good preapred and twice shooted so well that destroyed troops. The reasult could be different, but luck was on the Austrian side.

Game 2

Player 1 (Gileforn) 5 banners
Player 2 (Gottoman) 3 banners

The second game was not so fast on the one hand, on the other French troops tried to rush in the begining. Than was a lot of maneuvres and destroying Frensh troops in the town. Very good attacks by the line infantry but as a result French got a chance with powerfull tatctic cards: battlefield in the smoke, bonus bb, arty canister and infantry battles first, also leader recovery. They helped a lot and a very strong defence of Austians was little bit broken.

Thanks to Greg for the both interesting and hard games!

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