OT 2020 Quarter Finals

Scenario: 504 Göhrde (18 September 1813)      
Finalist 1-4 Game 1 Game 2 Total Finalist 8-5 Game 1 Game 2 Total
ANDRE (Redcurrant) 8 8 16 scipio1zama 6 5 11
gottoman 8 8 16 Mark-McG 2 2 4
Kandras78 8 3 11 Gileforn 6 8 14
Gonzo 2 8 10 gotigerssc 8 3 11


Please report match results in the discussion below in the form

Game 1

Player 1 (French) # banners

Player 2 (Allies) # banners

a short summary plus attach the logfile

Game 2

Player 2 (French) # banners

Player 1 (Allies) # banners

a short summary plus attach the logfile

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gottoman replied the topic:
3 years 10 months ago
Anyone load the new version of vassal, 3.5.4. When I try to load any scenario and create a deck, the deck disappears along with the box that allow you to choose a deck.
gotigerssc replied the topic:
3 years 10 months ago
Game 2
gotigerssc (Allies) 3 banners - conceded
Gonzo (French) 8 banners

Started with a strong push on my left but didn't accomplish much other than weakening a few units. It was then punch and counter-punch for the rest of the match. Joe was burdened by a lot of scout cards that limited several turns. I finally got enough courage up to charge the hill with a Grande Manoeuvre.....but was met with Cold Steel. Two of those units perished and the other two were reduced to 1 figure and retreated (after a Rally of my own and and another attack from French). Had a lucky 3 INF roll on the 3 figure French GRE unit to take him out of the fight. I was down 2-4 when I positioned the troops in the center to try another assault on the hill. This time I had some success and took out one of the line infantry for third medal (3-4). At this point the round was determined and I conceded to try and put down an uprising on the home front (i.e. paint a room). Joe had four 1-figure units left on the board and I had five. Always fun and tough playing Joe!


File Attachment:

File Name: Napoleonic...de2.vlog
File Size:115 KB
Gileforn replied the topic:
3 years 10 months ago
Game 2

Kandras78 (French) # banners - 3

Gileforn (Allies) # banners - 8

That was a big struggle, were allies had as different cards as different troops were on their battlefield side. Good coming of varaity of them and good luck after reckless French bayonette charge in the center. Very good managment by Andras and triple recovery of the forces also palyed a good role, but main infantry was blocked in the center and diffiucult to do anything more. Luck and cards played their role. Thank you for the wonderfull battles, that are always cool when played with Andras.

The log of the first game is broken, so I'll add it and save from the end.

File Attachment:

File Name: OT20Quater12.vlog
File Size:53 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: OT20Quater1.vlog
File Size:47 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: OT42.vlog
File Size:96 KB

Kandras78 replied the topic:
3 years 10 months ago
504 Göhrde (18 September 1813) [OT2020 - Quarter Final - 1st game]
Allies(A) 8(7+1) vs French(Gileforn) 6

Blocks lost:
Allies 35      French 32

A 3,5 hours long and tense engagement. The French not only managed to hold their grounfd valliantly but drove a reckless charge in the center to gain important banners.
Excellent play by Gileforn aided by Luck.

Hope Andrey will be able to provide the logs soon.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
3 years 11 months ago
Game 1 was 8-2. There is this illusion that I get a banner for a hill, but I had moved off and another unit on in the previous turn. So hadn't claimed it back.

Overall two very frustrating games, I just couldn't anything to work.
gottoman replied the topic:
3 years 11 months ago
Game 1
Greg O - French 8 Banners
Mark McG - Allies 3 Banners

The French fired away with artillery from the ridge as the Allies took some hits but moved into the woods, as they pushed forward on the flanks.   Rocket fire pushed the French artillery and a Line unit off of the left of the ridge and they followed up with a LC atack supported with the HA under direction of two leaders.   The French artillery held firm and gave more that it took.  The battle raged on the left to little real effect until the Allies did a GM in the center to set up a Forced March to surge against the ridge, where the French were already in disarray.   They pushed the all but one French unit off the ridge, but the French surged back at the Allies in an intense back and forth battle that resulted in a victory for the French.

Greg O - Allies 8 Banners-concession (3 banners at time of concession)
Mark McG - French 2 banners

A simliar start to this battle with the French pounding the center with artillery and the main fighting was on the flanks.  Basically the French launched what should have been some great attacks and caused almost no hits on Allied artillery units who battled back with devastating rolls.  The left flank had only two French garrisons holding the towns a a 1 block LN on the back line as the allies were postured to surge forward there.  The French launched a bayonet charge into the Allies and again had very poor results and took fierce losses in return.  With four of the French LN at 1 block and no real path forward to win and hold the Allies to no more than 3 banners, the French conceded the field.
ANDRE replied the topic:
3 years 11 months ago
game2. RedCurranT (All) 8---5 scipio1zama (Fr)
Lady Luck was with me again, thanks to Mike for a good game.
gotigerssc replied the topic:
3 years 11 months ago
Game 1
gotigerssc (French) 8 banners
Gonzo (Allies) 2 banners

Quite a long battle for us that took approximately 3 hours to play. Mostly ranged combat the entire fight until the very end. It seemed as though I could not miss for a good portion of the match, even when only rolling 1 die. Joe had the opposite luck with hits coming few and far between. I also got the impression that he was thin on center cards, which makes sense as I had about 3 on every turn. The CC assault on the hill in the center never materialized so the French took the initiative and used a Bayonet Charge + Inspired Infantry Leader to charge into the Allied lines on the final turn to claim three medals and the win. As always, Joe is an excellent competitor.

Also, thanks to RedCurrant for joining in and helping out with the rules.


File Attachment:

File Name: Napoleonic...de1.vlog
File Size:118 KB
ANDRE replied the topic:
3 years 11 months ago
game1. RedCurranT (Fr) 8---6. scipio1zama (All)