OT2019 Semi Finals

Scenario: 503 Sorauren - French left (28 July 1813)
Deadline 30 April 2020

  Game 1 Game 2 Total   Game 1 Game 2 Total
g1ul10 9 9 18 Kandras78 6 5 11
Viridovilas  9 9 18 Gileforn  5 6 11


Giulio and Max in the finals



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g1ul10 replied the topic:
4 years 7 months ago
503 - Sorauren (French left) - 28 July 1813

g1ul10 (British): 9 banners
Kandras (French): 5 banners

This battle was faster and heavily influenced by the initial British lucky rolls. Like me in the previous game, Andras did not draw any force march nor bayonet charge. That's a problem for the French. He tried an attack in the center but lost four units inflicting minimal casualties. An attack from the French right was more successful, but I had the cards to counter it and the initial difference in VP was not substantially reduced. In the end, with the help of a forward leader tac card, a lone British line won the game by eliminating a single block French unit in the rearguard.

File Attachment:

File Name: OT2019SF_g...2-1.vlog
File Size:74 KB
g1ul10 replied the topic:
4 years 7 months ago
503 - Sorauren (French left) - 28 July 1813

g1ul10 (French): 9 banners
Kandras (British): 6 banners

A long battle. It took two evenings to finish it, whence the two log files. The French, lacking any good card, and under the constant fire of skilfully deployed British artillery, started a slow maneuver on the right flank that basically brought them behind the Allies lines. Poor dice rolling on both sides stretched the game further. The battle of attrition was won by the side with more troops. A notable mention for a British line that thanks to effective fire and an infantry combat first tac card managed to eliminate a solitaire French line on the left and, alone, put pressure on the weak French rearguard.

File Attachment:

File Name: OT2019SF_g...1-1.vlog
File Size:75 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: OT2019SF_g...1-2.vlog
File Size:96 KB
Viridovilas replied the topic:
4 years 7 months ago
M503 - Sorauren (French left) - 28 July 1813

Game 2

Viridovilas (British) 9 banners
Gileforn (French) 6 banners

Don’t be fooled by the final score. It was tough, very tough. Andrey couldn’t play better. The French Army launched something like three attack waves towards the Spanish hills without giving allies the time to deploy their artillery. The pressure was very high and brought General Wellington forces on the verge of collapse. Only the red jacket resiliency (coupled with the necessary luck) saved the day for the British.

File Attachment:

File Name: OT19SFViri...nch.vlog
File Size:117 KB
Viridovilas replied the topic:
4 years 8 months ago
M503 - Sorauren (French left) - 28 July 1813

Game 1

Viridovilas (French) 9 banners
Gileforn (British) 5 banners

The battle not surprisingly started with the Anglo-Spanish taking full advantage of their field position and artillery superiority, while the French struggled to advance over the stream. In order to relieve pressure on its left wing, Marshal Soult then launched a bayonet charge towards the hills on his right wing. After a few initial difficulties, the charge proved successful. However, with a smart and skilful manoeuvre, Wellington managed to withdraw his left wing, limiting casualties to the minimum. At the same time the British general put his full-strength artillery just under the central well-guarded hills targeting the bulk of French infantries still behind the stream. What followed was a real pigeon shooting, with the French playing evidently the role of pigeons. It was already time of desperation. General Reille took the initiative and made the last French effort, forcing march his brigade towards the central hills. A combination of nice tactic cards (including a well-timed First strike) an lucky roll made the rest…

Can't add the log here. I have however reposted text and log at the end of the OT2019 Quarter Final topic!

Finally managed to attache log here!

File Attachment:

File Name: OT19SFViri...-06.vlog
File Size:116 KB