Issue an order to four or fewer units with range weapons in one or more Sections, not adjacent to an enemy unit or Leader. Ordered units fire before movement with one additional die. After all Ranged attacks, each ordered unit may move up to two hexes to close on the enemy unit that it targeted. If the targeted unit retreats or was eliminated during fire, this ordered unit may not move. In the Close Combat the unit that fired can only battle against the enemy unit that it targeted. Or order one unit of your choice.

(one card)

HISTORICAL NOTE: Fire and closing on the enemy was an early medieval cavalry tactic employed by many armies that deployed cavalry units armed with both bow and spear. Later it spread to all bow armed units. It is important to note that after all fire is completed, a unit does not have to be moved to close with the unit it fired on. Even when the unit moves to close, it does not have to Close Combat.

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Mark-McG replied the topic:
4 years 4 months ago
Mark-McG replied the topic:
4 years 4 months ago
1. If a unit using Fire and Close forces the target to retreat, can it use Momentum advance and Bonus combat to attack the same target?

2. If a unit using Fire and Close forces the target to retreat, can it use Momentum advance and Bonus combat to attack another target?

3. If a unit using Fire and Close eliminates the target, can it use Momentum advance and Bonus combat to attack another target?
Mark-McG replied the topic:
5 years 1 month ago
In essence I understand this card to be the same as a Move-Fire-Move card in sequence of operations, except the sequence is Fire - Move - Melee
Restrictions are ;
1. Unit must move up to 2 hexes to be adjacent to target of ranged attack
2. Melee must be against target of ranged attack
Mark-McG replied the topic:
5 years 1 month ago
A unit that is ordered to Fire and Close, may not move if it cannot close (move adjacent) to the unit it targeted.

Close on the targeted enemy unit means, able to close combat.