Victory Results:
 26 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  74 %
Total plays 23 - Last reported by Orlokken on 2025-01-11 19:54:03

Historical Background

The defeat at Ad Decimum did not deter Gelimer, and shortly after his brother Tzazon returned from putting down a rebellion in Sardinia, the two marched on Belisarius, who now occupied Carthage. Gathering intelligence from his spies, Gelimer attempted to bribe the Huns in the Byzantine army, but Belisarius learned of the intrigue and made a larger offer. Belisarius knew the Huns felt they had been sent to North Africa after being promised duty closer to their lands and could still be persuaded to change sides. Therefore, Belisarius decided to bring the enemy to battle before any treachery could commence. Count John was sent ahead with the cavalry carrying orders to skirmish until the infantry arrived.
The Huns rode in the rear of the cavalry column and were stationed well away when the Byzantines made camp on the far side of the creek from the Vandal camp. The next day Gelimer led out his army and deployed for battle. John stationed himself with the center division and crossed the small stream with small contingents and skirmished several times, but each time had to retreat from larger Vandal pursuit forces. For their part the Vandals would not pursue John across the stream. Instead they would stop at the bank and retire. Tzazon and several other Vandal nobles had perished in these skirmishes, and the Vandal army was starting to lose heart. When Belisarius arrived and assessed the situation, he changed his mind and ordered the entire cavalry force to attack without waiting for the infantry. The Vandals, now in disarray, were pursued back to their camp.
The Huns waited to see which side won and joined the Byzantines in pursuing the Vandals. Belisarius waited for his infantry to arrive before moving on the Vandal camp. Gelimer, seeing the camp being surrounded, escaped to the mountains.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?

War Council

Vandal Army (Use Tan blocks)

• Leader: Gelimer
• 5 Command Cards
• 2 Inspired Action tokens

Byzantine Army (Use Purple blocks)

• Leader: Belisarius
• 5 Command Cards
• 4 Inspired Action tokens
• Move First Move First


6 Banners

Special Rules

  • After a player has gained his third Victory Banner, the three Moor light cavalry units for the Vandal player or the three Hun light cavalry units for the Byzantine player, are placed on the battlefield in hexes as indicated at the start of the player’s next turn.
  • The Vandal Medium and Heavy Cavalry units are not armed with bows.
  • The Byzantine Medium, Heavy and Super Heavy Cavalry units are armed with bows.
  • The stream does not stop movement however, a unit will not receive any charge bonus dice when a unit starts, ends or moves through the stream.
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Mark-McG replied the topic:
2 years 3 months ago
The Moor unit are Light Cavalry (LC). They don't have bows.
The Huns are Light Bow Cavalry (LBC)
pallasarmata replied the topic:
2 years 3 months ago
The Moors should not be armed with bows. They fought with javelins and shields. The Vandals fought only with sword and spear. This is according to the descriptions provided by the historian Procopius, who served with the Byzantines during the Vandalic wars. The Huns fought with bows. They had served the Byzantines well, but were reported to be mutinous at the time of this battle, and so were sent off to the right flank where they may have provided a diversion to keep the Vandal left wing frozen in place. It is a great mystery why the Vandals, charging lance armed cavalry, did not simply attack across the front and overwhelm the Byzantine cavalry.
kostas63 replied the topic:
3 years 5 months ago
Vittoria Vandali 6-2. Giovanni supera il ruscello e crea una linea al centro con la sua cavalleria. Solomon riceve l'ordine di fare lo stesso ma obliquamente per appoggiare Giovanni. Prima che ciò accada Tzazon carica con tutte le sue unità portando a casa tre vittorie. Il panico serpeggia tra i bizantini e Belisario si getta nella mischia. Ma è troppo tardi. Nel centro Giovanni perde la vita in un'imboscata e Solomon viene annientato giusto quando cercava di portare aiuto.
Magmik replied the topic:
3 years 9 months ago
Byzantines win 6-2
Mark-McG replied the topic:
4 years 9 months ago
no, but I think now that there are 2 groups, Huns and Moors, and that they arrive independently.
Not sure that is the historical version, but makes sense in the rules.
mk20336 replied the topic:
4 years 9 months ago
did you get any official rulling on this?
Mark-McG replied the topic:
5 years 1 month ago
• After a player has gained his third Victory Banner, the three Moor light cavalry units for the Vandal player or the three Hun
light cavalry units for the Byzantine player, are placed on the battlefield in hexes as indicated at the start of the player’s next turn.

the rule implies there are two groups of reinforcements, Huns and Moors, and that each side receives those reinforcements when they reach 3 banners, yet the history is there is one group of Huns that don't commit until the winner is determined.

Assuming 1 group, if both players achieve 3 banners in the same action phase, who gets the reinforcements? The first to 3 banners, or the first to start a turn?
Mark-McG replied the topic:
5 years 1 month ago
Wonder why the Moors/Huns are armed with bows for the Byzantines, but no bows for the Vandals?
They were the same troops, standing aside to see who would win before committing.