Victory Results:
 44 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  56 %
Total plays 27 - Last reported by Orlokken on 2025-01-11 19:53:50

Historical Background

When the fleeing Byzantines reached Belisarius, they rallied quickly and reformed their ranks. Belisarius then set out for Ad Decimum at full speed. Gelimer, on the other hand, found his brother’s body among the dead and mourned his brother’s death, while his troops aimlessly milled about. The delay gave Belisarius time to advance against the disorganized Vandals. The attack also came from an unexpected direction, for Gelimer had thought he had missed the main Byzantine army, which he assumed had defeated his brother and was already moving on Carthage. The Vandals were not able to fight off the Byzantine attack and fled along with Gelimer to the Plains of Boulla.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?

War Council

Vandal Army (Use Tan blocks)

• Leader: Gelimer
• 3* Command Cards
• 2 Inspired Action tokens
• Move First Move First

Byzantine Army (Use Purple blocks)

• Leader: Belisarius
• 5 Command Cards
• 3 Inspired Action tokens


5 Banners

Special Rules

* The Vandal player starts with 3 Command cards (the Vandal force is disorganized). At the end of the first Vandal turn, the Vandal player draws 2 Command cards. The Vandal player will now hold 4 Command cards. At the end of the second Vandal turn, the
Vandal player draws 2 Command cards. The Vandal player will now hold 5 Command cards. The Vandal player’s hand will remain at 5 Command cards for the rest of the battle.
• The Vandal Medium and Heavy Cavalry units are not armed with bows.
• The Byzantine Medium, Heavy and Super Heavy Cavalry units are armed with bows.

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kostas63 replied the topic:
3 years 5 months ago
Vittoria Vandali 5-2. Sorprendente vittoria dei Vandali. Avanzano sulla loro destra dove subito vengono tempestati di frecce dagli arcieri a cavallo bizantini. Subiscono qualche perdita e Gelimer interviene con le sue due unità. Belisario pensa ad un aggiramento e fa avanzare la sua fanteria sull'ala. Uliaris si stacca dal centro per dare man forte ai cavalleggeri ormai con le spalle al muro, ma Gelimer, prima con una carica devastante e poi con un attacco a sorpresa elimina ben tre unità di cavalleria bizantina. Anche la fanteria media di Belisario ferma in attesa di supporto viene caricata ed eliminata concludendo così la battaglia.
Magmik replied the topic:
3 years 9 months ago
Vandals win 5-4