The Battle of Farnham was an armed conflict between the Anglo-Saxons, under the command of Prince Edward the Elder, and the Norse Viking invaders. The raiding army of the Vikings had captured much loot from Hampshire and Berkshire before starting to return to Essex and their fleet. A Wessex army led by Edward, son of King Alfred, intercepted them at Farnham, defeated them and recaptured the plunder. The battle concluded with the vikings fleeing across the Thames towards Essex.
War Council
SAXONS (Use Tan blocks)
• Leader: Prince Edward of Wessex
• 5 Command Cards
• 2 Inspired Action tokens
• Move First
VIKINGS (Use Purple Blocks)
• Leader:
• 5 Command Cards
• 1 Inspired Action tokens
6 Banners
- Vikings gain 1 Victory banner for each unit that is ordered on the Saxon baseline and moves off the map.
- Auxilia units Battleback with 1 extra die.
- Saxons & Vikings use the Byzantine Inspired Actions
- Saxon Medium cavalry are replaced by Saxon Medium Infantry if they end any turn adjacent to a Viking unit (but not a Viking leader only)