Historical Background
After raising the siege of Petra. Mihr-Mihroe left a small Sassanid force in the city while he withdrew due to lack of supplies. He also left Phabrizus with a force of 5,000 to defend the mountain passes and to plunder the surrounding countryside. Goubazes, king of the Lazi, and Dagisthaeus, the Roman magister militum per Armeniam, caught up with Phabrizus on the banks of the Phasis River. While still some distance from the main enemy position, the Byzantine army surprised and captured a Sassanid patrol. After learning from captives of the size, strength and location of the main enemy force, the Byzantines advanced against the Sassanid encampment. A contingent of Sassanid cavalry tried to intervene but was brushed aside. The surprised Sassanids were crushed and the camp was overrun and plundered. This setback compelled the Sassanids to abandon the Lazica region.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?
War Council
Sassanid Army (Use Tan blocks)
• Leader: Phabrizus
• 4 Command Cards
• 2 Inspired Action tokens
Byzantine Army (Use Purple blocks)
• Leader: Goubazes & Dagisthaeus
• 5 Command Cards
• 4 Inspired Action tokens
• Move First
6 Banners
Special Rules
- If a Byzantine unit occupies a Sassanid camp hex at the start of the Byzantine turn, the player may remove the camp hex and gain 1 Victory banner before playing a Command Card.
- The Sassanid Medium Cavalry unit is armed with bows.
- The Byzantine Super Heavy Cavalry unit is armed with bows, place a bow marker on these units. The Medium Cavalry units are not armed with bows, place a non-bow marker on these units.
- The Phasis River is fordable.