
4 years 1 week ago #555 by gheintze
Replied by gheintze on topic MT03
Great game with Greg -- he played very well. Last match today. :)


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4 years 1 week ago #556 by gheintze
Replied by gheintze on topic MT03
Round 2gheintze (Vandal / Goths) 6 Banners, 26 blocks lostgonzoj (Byzantines) 5 Banners, 25 Blocks lost

(I was having a lot of trouble staying connected, so the logfile may not have worked.)

An epic battle against my old friend.  The Byzantines made the first move with a mounted charge in to the Vandal right flank and managed to eliminate a Vandal HC on a single roll. From there it was back and forth with charge after charge over the hills.  With many injured units, I played a command left on my last move and eliminated two MBCs for the win.

That finishes up my matches for the tournament, and I anxiously await the results. Thanks for coordinating this!


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File Name: Geoff-Gonz...T03.vlog
File Size:154 KB

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4 years 1 week ago #557 by g1ul10
Replied by g1ul10 on topic MT03
Round 4
Zamba Bone (Vandal) 5 banners, 32 blocks lost
Giulio (Byzantine) 6 banners 21 blocks lost

Deadly Byzantine fire put them on the lead, By clever maneuvering, the Vandal manages to tie the game at 5 banners. The final banner is assigned by a massive 7dice roll in an ambush by a Byzantine cataphract.


File Attachment:

File Name: MT03R4_zam...lio.vlog
File Size:320 KB


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4 years 1 week ago #558 by g1ul10
Replied by g1ul10 on topic MT03
Round 5
RiverWanderer (Ostrogoth) 3 banners, 22 blocks lost
Giulio (Byzantine) 6 banners, 15 blocks lost

The entire battle was fought in the center section. The Ostrogoth cavalry hammers repeatedly the Byzantine infantry in the center till Jhon comes to the rescue. The game was mainly driven by the early losses of leaders on both sides.


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File Name: MT03R5_Riv...lio.vlog
File Size:269 KB

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4 years 6 days ago - 4 years 6 days ago #559 by scipio1zama
Replied by scipio1zama on topic MT03
MT03 Round 3 - Decimus (Final Phase)

Vandals - Mike Stanley (scipio1zama) won with 5 banners; lost 13 blocks

Byzantines - Mark McGilchrist (Mark McG) lost with 4 banners; lost 20 blocks

After some pre-clash maneuvering, this game went very fast. The Byzantines lined up some bow cavalry and got off several shots, hitting one of the Vandal HC.

I used a Leadership card to launch a cavalry Charge in the center with a MC and 2 HC. I got a hit on his SHBC – he battled back and blew away my MC with 4 hits. I also got 1 hit on a MC and then managed to destroy his SHBC and get 2 hits on a second MC.

He then played a Command Center card and ordered 5 cavalry units, including 2 leaders, and in the melee that followed he destroyed both of my HC and my sole leader, Gelimer. The Byzantines were now up, 4-1, But they also had taken damage to several units.

I played a Medium troops card and ordered all four of the MC I had left, but only moved 2 of them, neglecting to move the two in the hills. One of my MC killed his 1-block HBC, then killed the leader, then killed a 1-block MBC. The other Vandal MC attacked a full-strength Byzantium MBC, which lost 2 blocks due to a retreat – it could only retreat 1 hex. Then the Vandal MC attacked the same MBC again, and got 2 more hits, killing it for the 5th and deciding banner. All this was done without a leader. I was quite flabbergasted. Thanks for the game, Mark.
Last edit: 4 years 6 days ago by scipio1zama.

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4 years 5 days ago #560 by Angoryan
Replied by Angoryan on topic MT03
Round 3
Zamba Bone (Vandal) 3, 20
Angoryan (Byzantine) 5, 17

The game turned out to be interesting. The Vandals acted decisively, but the attack on the right flank of the Byzantines did not lead to victory because of the ambush that was arranged for them. The leader was killed. The attack in the center was desperate: apparently my opponent made the last bet on it. I didn't even hit back, afraid of the flags. In my last move, I surrounded two detachments of medium cavalry and destroyed them, which earned me the last two banners of victory. Thank you to my opponent for an interesting game and a friendly attitude!


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File Name: ZambaBoneV...yan.vlog
File Size:152 KB

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File Name: ZambaBoneV...yan.vsav
File Size:100 KB

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4 years 3 days ago #561 by Angoryan
Replied by Angoryan on topic MT03
Round 4
River Wanderer (Vandal) 2, 31 lost
Angoryan (Byzantine) 6, 13 lost 
The script is very unbalanced! My opponent did what he could, but the absolute superiority of the cataphracts on the battlefield decided the outcome of the battle! I express my gratitude to my opponent for the game! 

File Attachment:

File Name: RiverWande...yan.vlog
File Size:222 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: RiverWande...yan.vsav
File Size:125 KB

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4 years 3 days ago #562 by g1ul10
Replied by g1ul10 on topic MT03
If I'm not wrong it's five Byzantine victories and one Vandal victory in our tournament. So yes I agree with you, probably it is one of the most unbalanced. My game with Zamba Bone was pretty close though.

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4 years 3 days ago - 4 years 3 days ago #563 by scipio1zama
Replied by scipio1zama on topic MT03
MT03 Round 5 - Taginae

Ostrogoths - Mike Stanley (scipio1zama) – won with 6 banners – lost 18 blocks

Byzantines - John Dietrich (EZPickins) – lost with 2 banners – lost 27 blocks

I (Ostrogoths) was fortunate to start the game with a Mounted Charge card, and attacked the Byzantine left with two MC and a HC.  In the ensuing fighting, I killed an MBC, the leader John, and an SHBC, while losing the two MC.  At this point, there were no engaged forces left on this flank, and I had a 1-block HC hiding out on the rearmost rank.

I had the cards to transfer my cavalry forces to the right side of the board (my left) AND to use a Leadership Left card/Inspired Action to launch another Mounted Charge on that flank.  I immediately killed an Auxilia that was in the woods.  We both agreed that the woods & broken ground are as much a hinderance as a help to the Byzantines.  In the ensuing fighting, I was also able to take out the other SHBC (in the woods) and finally an MI for the win.

Unlike the other games in this tournament, the Byzantines are less mobile than their opponents.  That, plus I had just the card I needed almost every time, made the difference.  Thanks to EZPickins for being a great opponent as always. 
Last edit: 4 years 3 days ago by scipio1zama.

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4 years 2 days ago #564 by Mark-McG
Replied by Mark-McG on topic MT03
Score update done today
Europeans are 3 matches from the end of the heats.. very keen

has anyone heard from jongautier?
Jon, if you are reading, please check the Personal Messages on the site

wise and full of devices

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