014 Lazic War (548 AD) Petra Mountain Passes

5 years 4 months ago #107 by alecrespi
Historical Background
The Lazic War was fought between the...

014 Lazic War (548 AD) Petra Mountain Passes

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5 years 2 weeks ago #127 by g1ul10
Two victories for the Sassanids 5-2. In the second game, the Sassanid won the last medal by exiting one light cavalry unit. It seems however that unit exit is not essential for the victory, as the Sassanid can efficiently collect medals through an orderly advance, exploiting the advantage in the number of troops.

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4 years 10 months ago #201 by Mark-McG
MT01 results
Sassanids won all 7 matches, 5-3 was best Byzantine result, with three 5-2 and three 5-1 results.

My view is that to be remotely competitive, a Time Pressure objective rule needs to be in play such as;
"The Byzantine player when playing a Scout Command card, instead of drawing 2 Command cards at the end of his turn, may instead draw 1 Command card and take a Victory banner. Taking a Victory banner is not possible if doing so would give the player the final Victory banner to win the battle."

I'd consider removing the 2nd sentence as well.

wise and full of devices

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4 years 10 months ago #202 by g1ul10
As far as I understand, CC scenarios are not supposed to be fair. This one is surely not. But I think it might be still interesting for the Byzantine player. The challenge is to try to do the maximum damage before the Sassanid player wins. So if played back-and-forth it might still be competitive. It is true however that the difference of total medals is likely to be of the order of 1 or 2, which means that the final result is particularly sensitive to the luck factor.

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4 years 9 months ago #239 by mk20336

Mark McG wrote: MT01 results
Sassanids won all 7 matches, 5-3 was best Byzantine result, with three 5-2 and three 5-1 results.

My view is that to be remotely competitive, a Time Pressure objective rule needs to be in play such as;
"The Byzantine player when playing a Scout Command card, instead of drawing 2 Command cards at the end of his turn, may instead draw 1 Command card and take a Victory banner. Taking a Victory banner is not possible if doing so would give the player the final Victory banner to win the battle."

I'd consider removing the 2nd sentence as well.

That particular scenario is very prone to luck factor thus results can be unbalanced. While ok as a standalone play, as a part of tournament could actually skew the results.

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3 years 6 months ago #614 by Magmik
Byzantines win 5-4

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2 years 11 months ago - 2 years 11 months ago #638 by kostas63
Vittoria Sassanide 5-1. I bizantini si rendono conto da subito che il nemico tenterà di uscire dal campo di battaglia con la cavalleria quindi avvicina le sue cavallerie medie per chiudere le vie di fuga. I sassanidi avanzano su tutta la linea e sulla loro destra cercano un passaggio per uscire dal campo. Gli arcieri a cavallo e la cavalleria media riescono  quasi nell'intento mentre la cavalleria pesante con il suo leader viene fermato dai tiri degli arcieri bizantini. Passano vari turni in cui il leader bizantino con la sua cavalleria corre dove possibile per fermare i cavalieri nemici, ma alla fine rimasto senza truppe si ritira e la cavalleria sassanide riesce ad uscire con due sue unità.
Last edit: 2 years 11 months ago by kostas63. Reason: Text errors

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