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Each type of terrain is described below. Place terrain tiles on the game board as shown on each scenario map. They remain in place and in effect for the entire game.

Woods Hex

terrain woods

Movement: A unit or general that enters a woods hex must stop and may move no further that turn.
Battle: A cavalry or artillery unit may not battle on the turn that it moves onto a woods hex. On the turn that an infantry unit moves onto a woods hex, it may battle an enemy unit that is 2 or fewer hexes away in any direction. The infantry unit rolls 2 dice when the target is on an adjacent hex and 1 die when target is 2 hexes away. An ordered unit that started the turn in a woods hex will battle with its standard number of battle dice.
    When targeting an enemy unit or general that is on a woods hex, reduce the number of battle dice rolled by 1.
Line of Sight: A woods hex blocks line of sight.

Orchard Hex

Movement: No restrictions.
Battle: No battle restrictions for a unit that moves onto an orchard hex.
    When targeting an enemy unit or general that is on an orchard hex, reduce the number of battle dice rolled by 1.
Line of Sight: An orchard hex blocks line of sight.

Hill Hex

(RB) Although not in the original 150th rules, I would like to enact the following Updates for Hill terrain hexes.
Movement: No restrictions.
Battle: When targeting an enemy unit or general that is up hill, reduce the number of battle dice rolled by 1. When a unit is on a hill hex and targets an enemy unit or general that is on another hill hex, reduce the number of battle dice rolled by 1, unless the unit battling and the target unit are on adjacent hill hexes.
  Artillery firing from a hill hex has its ranged increased to maximum of 6 hexes. When battling from a hill hex, roll the standard number of battle dice for the normal range of 1 to 5 hexes. At range of 6 hexes, roll 1 die. An artillery unit on a hill hex does not have its line of sight blocked by a friendly unit or general that is on an adjacent hex as long as that adjacent hex is lower and has no other terrain feature that blocks line of sight.
Line of Sight: A hill hex blocks line of sight to units behind a hill hex. A unit on a lower level has line of sight to the first hill hex and vice versa. A unit on a lower level does not have line of sight through one hill hex onto a second hill hex and vice versa. Line of sight is not blocked between units on the same hill looking across connected hill hexes. The units are considered to be on a plateau. Line of sight is not blocked between units on hill hexes separated by one or more intervening hexes of lower elevation unless any of those hexes contain a unit, general or terrain that blocks line of sight.

<<Old Hill Rules Text>>
Movement: No restrictions.
Battle: When targeting an enemy unit or general that is on a hill hex, reduce the number of battle dice rolled by 1.
    Artillery firing from a hill hex has its range increased to a maximum of 6 hexes. When battling from a hill hex, roll the standard number of battle dice for the normal range of 1 to 5 hexes. At a range of 6 hexes, roll 1 die.
    An artillery unit on a hill hex does not have its line of sight blocked by a friendly unit or general that is on an adjacent hex as long as that adjacent hex is lower and has no other terrain feature that blocks line of sight.
Line of Sight: A hill hex blocks line of sight for a unit trying to look over or through that hill hex. A unit on a hill hex, therefore, will not have line of sight to an enemy unit on another hill hex if there is an intervening hill hex between the two units.

Town Hex

Movement: A unit or general that enters a town hex must stop and may move no further that turn.
Battle: A unit may not battle on the turn that it moves onto a town hex.
    An ordered infantry or artillery unit already on a town hex may battle an enemy unit that is 3 or fewer hexes away in any direction. The infantry or artillery unit rolls 3 dice when the target is in an adjacent hex and 1 less die for each additional hex that the target is away.
    An ordered cavalry unit on a town hex may battle an enemy unit that is adjacent in any direction. The cavalry unit rolls 2 dice when target is on an adjacent hex.
    When targeting an enemy unit or general that is on a town hex, reduce the number of battle dice rolled by 2.
Line of Sight: A town hex blocks line of sight.

Homestead Hex

Movement: A unit or general that enters a homestead hex must stop and may move no further that turn.
Battle: An infantry unit may move onto a homestead hex and may battle an enemy unit that is 3 or fewer hexes away in any direction. The infantry unit rolls 3 dice when the target is in an adjacent hex and 1 less die for each additional hex away from the target. An ordered infantry unit already on a homestead hex will battle with its standard number of battle dice.
    A cavalry unit may move onto a homestead hex and may battle an enemy unit that is adjacent in any direction. The cavalry unit rolls 2 dice when the target is in an adjacent hex. An ordered cavalry unit already on a homestead hex will battle with its standard number of battle dice.
    An artillery unit may not battle the turn it moves onto a homestead hex. An ordered artillery unit already on a homestead hex may battle an enemy unit that is 4 or fewer hexes away in any direction. The artillery unit rolls 4 dice when target is in an adjacent hex and 1 less die for each additional hex away from the enemy.
    When targeting an enemy unit or general that is on a homestead hex, reduce the number of battle dice rolled by 1.
Line of Sight: A homestead hex blocks line of sight.

Waterway Hex

Movement: A unit or general must stop when it enters a waterway hex.
Battle: A unit on a waterway hex rolls 1 less battle die.
    When targeting an enemy unit or general that is on a waterway hex, a unit’s battle dice are not reduced.
Line of Sight: A waterway hex does not block line of sight.

Bridge Hex

Movement: No restrictions.
Battle: No restrictions.
Line of Sight: A bridge hex does not block line of sight.

Field Hex

Movement: No restrictions.
Battle: When targeting an enemy unit or general that is on a field hex, reduce the number of battle dice rolled by 1.
Line of Sight: A field hex blocks line of sight.

Rough Terrain Hex

Movement: A unit or general may not enter a rough terrain hex.
Battle: None.
Line of Sight: A rough terrain hex blocks line of sight.

Fence Hex

Movement: No restrictions.
Battle: When targeting an enemy unit or general that is on a fence hex, reduce the number of battle dice rolled by 1 unless the attacking unit is behind the fence line of the targeted unit. See diagram below.
Line of Sight: A fence hex does not block line of sight.
<<Diagram of spaces affected by fences, see page 10 of original rulebook.>>
There are 1-, 2-, and 3-sided fence lines. The shaded hexes are in front of the fence line(s). An attacking unit in front of a fence line reduces the number of battle dice rolled by 1 when targeting an enemy unit or general on a fence hex.
    The clear hexes are behind the fence line. An attacking unit behind a fence line doesn’t reduce the number of battle dice rolled when targeting an enemy unit or general on a fence hex; it will roll as normal.

Entrenchment Token

Movement: A unit or general must stop when moving across a hex side with an entrenchment and may move no further on that turn.
Battle: When targeting an enemy unit or general that is on an entrenchment hex, reduce the number of battle dice rolled by 2, unless the attacking unit is behind the entrenchment of the targeted unit or general. (See diagram.)
    Each time a unit or general on an entrenchment hex is attacked, it may ignore one retreat flag rolled against it, unless the attacking unit is behind the entrenchment of the targeted unit or general. This effect does stack with a general’s ability for it or a unit to which it’s attached to ignore one retreat flag (resulting in the ability to ignore 2 retreat flags).
    When an entrenchment token is on a hex with terrain, the battle dice reduction of the entrenchment does not stack with the terrain. For example, if an entrenchment is on a hill hex, the higher battle dice reduction of –2 takes precedence.
Line of Sight: An entrenchment does not block line of sight.

Fieldwork Token

Movement: No restrictions.
Battle: When targeting an enemy unit or general that is on a fieldwork hex, reduce the number of battle dice rolled by 1, unless the attacking unit is behind the fieldwork of the targeted unit or general. (See diagram.)
    Each time a unit or general on a fieldwork hex is attacked, it may ignore one retreat flag rolled against it, unless the attacking unit is behind the fieldwork of the targeted unit or general. This effect does stack with a general’s ability for it or a unit to which it’s attached to ignore one retreat flag (resulting in the ability to ignore 2 retreat flags).
    When a fieldwork is on a hex with terrain, the battle dice reduction of the fieldwork does not stack with the terrain. For example, a fieldwork on a hill hex battle dice reduction is still only –1 die.
Line of Sight: A fieldwork does not block line of sight.
<<diagram of entrenchment/fieldwork facing>>
Entrenchment and fieldwork tokens follow the same rules when it comes to facing. The clear hexes are behind the token. If the attacking unit is behind the entrenchment/fieldwork line, then no dice roll reduction is made for the entrenchment or fieldwork, and no retreat flags may be ignored.