Victory Results:
 0 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  0 %

Historical Overview
soon available
The stage is set, the battle lines are drawn, and you are in command. The rest is history.

Set-Up Order

Woods x
Hills x


British Troops
Henry Buller
5 Command cards
Move First



Zulus Army
Prince Mbilini Dlamini
5 Command cards


6 Banners
- Each marked hill hexes are Permanent Victory Banner for the British.
-  Once both Permanent Victory Banners are taken, any ordered British unit (regardless of  strength), that exits the battlefield at the Exit hex, will count as a Victory Banner for the British.

Special Rules

- Remove the CallForReinforcement, Short Supply and Construct Fieldworks cards.

- Cross sabers hits only in melee except Single Leaders; They are hit also with sabers in range fire, as the standard BC rules says 

- British Cavalry: Non moved Cavalry may range combat 3-2-1 dice.

- Zulu Warriors (5 strength): Move 0-1 hex and battle 3-2 OR move 2 hexes without battle

- Zulu Musketeers: Move 0-1 and battle 3-2-1 (including the British kaNzibe unit)

- Each Zulu unit on  the base line requires 2 orders to activate. This applies only on the baseline.

- Spirit of Isandlwana: All Zulu Warrior units may ignore 1 flag.

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Mark-McG replied the topic:
1 year 7 months ago

Please clarify:- Each Zulu unit on  the base line requires 2 orders to activate. This applies only on the baseline.Does this mean each Zulu needs 2 orders over 2 turns?  EX: Play a scout card on a unit on the Left Flank on turn 1; then on turn 2 play another scout card on the Left Flank on the same Zulu unit and THEN activate the unit?

each Zulu unit on their baseline requires twice the number of normal orders in the same turn

So with Probe Left, you could order 1 Left baseline unit using both of those orders. Order 3 Right could order 1 baseline unit (2 orders) and another unit not on the baseline (3rd order)

it doesn't carry over turns, and is a Zulu unit moves off the baseline and returns, it requires 2 orders again to be ordered.
briscoe999 replied the topic:
1 year 8 months ago
Please clarify:- Each Zulu unit on  the base line requires 2 orders to activate. This applies only on the baseline.Does this mean each Zulu needs 2 orders over 2 turns?  EX: Play a scout card on a unit on the Left Flank on turn 1; then on turn 2 play another scout card on the Left Flank on the same Zulu unit and THEN activate the unit?

Mark-McG replied the topic:
2 years 5 months ago
Please clarify;
1.) The 3 yellow Zulu tokens with the no. 4 in it are the Zule Musketeers? They would be carrying rifles? The British kaNzibe unit would be carrying rifles also?

they fire 3-2-1
how they are armed isn't relevant to the game play, but like a mix of muskets and rifles. Training matters.

2a.) Do the two rocket units fire and move like ordinary artillery?

like Horse artillery (move 0-1) fire 4-3-2-1, or move 2 and no battle.
I don't actually know why they are marked Rockets if they are 7 pdr mountain guns.

2b.) Are there 3 rocket units per token?

Yes, but treat as Horse artillery

3.) Is the cavalry Frontier Light Horse, Native Horse or British 17th Lancers? Or, it doesn't matter? I'm not sure if the lancers carry rifles.


No. 4 Column consisted of eight infantry companies from the 13th and 90th Light Infantry, with about 1,500 men, four 7-pounder mountain guns of the 11th Battery, 7th Brigade (11/7) RA, roughly 200 cavalry of the Frontier Light Horse (FLH), the civilian followers of Piet Uys and Wood's Irrregulars, 300 African infantry along with ox-wagon transport and impedimenta, about 2,000 infantry and 200 cavalry all told

Page title: Reference to MM04 - Hlobane - 28 March 1879 - Commands & Colors: Battle Cry - BattleCry - Commands and Colors System
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