Victory Results:
 0 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  0 %

Historical Overview
The Battle of Spicheren, also known as the Battle of Forbach, was a battle during the Franco-Prussian War. The German victory compelled the French to withdraw to the defenses of Metz. The Battle of Spicheren, on 6 August, was the second of three critical French defeats. Moltke had originally planned to keep Bazaine's army on the Saar river until he could attack it with the 2nd Army in front and the 1st Army on its left flank, while the 3rd Army closed towards the rear. More informations on Wikipedia.
The stage is set, the battle lines are drawn, and you are in command. The rest is history.


Prussian Troops
General Zastrow
5 Command cards
Move first

Prussian infantry (5 elements ) : 6
Prussian artillery (3 elements) : 3
Prussian Hussard (3 elements) : 2
Prussian Dragon (3 elements) : 3
Prussian Cuirassier (3 elements) : 3
Prussian Uhlan (3 elements) : 3
Prussian and allied generals : 2

French Troops
General Frossard
6 Command cards

French Line (4 elements) : 6
French artillery (3 elements) : 3
French Dragons (3 elements) : 1
French Chasseurs à cheval (3 elements) : 1
French general : 1

7 Banners
For Rotherberg (1 hex), Fonderie (1 hex), Stiring Wendel (2 hex), Spicheren (2 hex) completly occupied by a number of unit equivalent to the number of hex of the objective at end of game, one banner is gained
Each time two French unit escape by a hex marked with a French flag, one banner is gained.

Special Rules


French units

French Line (4 elements)
Movement 1 hex or battle
Battle Dice 4-3-2-2.

French Dragon (3 elements)
Movement 1-3 hex and battle
Battle Dice 3

French Chasseur à cheval (3 elements)
Movement 1-3 hex and battle
Battle Dice 3

French Artillery (3 elements)
Movement 1 hex or battle
Battle Dice 5-4-3-2-1

Prussian and allied units

Prussian infantry (5 elements)
Movement 1 hex or battle
Battle Dice 4-3-2-1.

Prussian Artillery (3 elements)
Movement 1 hex or battle
Battle Dice 5-4-3-2-2.

Prussian Dragon (3 elements)
Movement 1-3 hex and battle
Battle Dice 3

Prussian Cuirassier (3 elements)
Movement 1-3 hex and battle
Battle Dice 3

Prussian Uhlan (3 elements)
Movement 1-3 hex and battle
Battle Dice 3

Prussian Hussard (3 elements)
Movement 1-3 hex and battle
Battle Dice 3

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Garcia replied the topic:
2 years 6 months ago
missing one Prussian General